In the Supreme Court case of Zalewski v. An Adjudication Officer and Others, the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) narrowly survived a constitutional challenge.
EmploymentOn 25 February 2021, the Central Bank of Ireland published Consultation Paper 138 on Cross-Industry Guidance on Outsourcing, which included the CBI’s draft guidance on cross-industry outsourcing.
Insurance & ReinsuranceThe recently launched Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Right to Disconnect (the Code) contains advice for employers and employees alike on the steps that should be taken to respect employees’ “right to disconnect” and dis-engage from work outside normal working hours.
EmploymentThe European Banking Authority has issued a Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on investment policy disclosure by investment firms under the Investment Firms Regulation.
Financial RegulationOutsourcing is a key focus for European regulators. The Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) is no exception and has recently published draft cross-industry guidance (Guidance) for consultation.
Financial RegulationNew court rules that allow for the remote witnessing of affidavits in the superior courts came into effect on 31 March, write Liam Kennedy SC and Nadia Skelton.
DisputesThe European Banking Authority has issued a Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on investment policy disclosure by investment firms under the Investment Firms Regulation.
Financial RegulationIn Heaney v An Bord Pleanala, the High Court took the opportunity to clarify when time stops running for the purpose of an application for leave to apply for judicial review.
DisputesOn 8 April 2021, the European Commission launched a public consultation inviting all interested parties (including businesses) to comment on a proposed revision of the EU's State Aid Framework for Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I).
EU, Competition & ProcurementA proposed Canadian M&A deal – which has just been abandoned because of EU opposition to the deal - gives a glimpse of possible future tensions between the EU and the UK over Brexit.
BrexitAffidavits must be sworn and witnessed before a solicitor or Commissioner for Oaths. This has been difficult during the pandemic, especially where deponents were vulnerable, elderly or unable to travel. Help is on its way.
DisputesThe Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2021 (the Act) was signed into law by the President on 18 March 2021. It awaits commencement by the Minister.