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Legal Updates & Insights

  • COVID-19: Deferral of mandatory reporting of cross border tax arrangements under DAC6

    COVID-19: Deferral of mandatory reporting of cross border tax arrangements under DAC6

    In response to the disruption caused by COVID-19, the European Council has approved an optional six-month deferral period for the rules regarding the mandatory filing and exchange of information on reportable cross-border tax arrangements under DAC6. 

  • Article

    EU Reaches Agreement on Collective Redress

    Some two years after the European Commission published its final draft proposal to introduce collective redress actions for consumers, and after much negotiation and lobbying, the European Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on 22 June 2020 to a reworked proposal allowing consumers to defend their rights collectively. 

  • article

    Time to say goodbye: Why Ireland should remove juries from defamation cases

    There are few moments in a courtroom as dramatic as when a jury foreman rises to deliver the verdict. Years of legal argument, emotional and financial investment culminate in one climactic moment...

  • COVID-19 Board Business Series Update: Directors’ duties and the ODCE’s guidance on restriction orders

    COVID-19 Board Business Series Update: Directors’ duties and the ODCE’s guidance on restriction orders

    We have issued a number of recent publications which have sought to provide comfort and practical guidance around directors' duties in the current uncertain environment. In our note Board Business: Directors’ duties, practical mitigation steps and assessment of financing arrangements, we explored the position of directors of companies with solvency issues and the steps that should be taken by a bo

    Corporate & M&A
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    Betting and Gaming Update

    In this update, we look at some of the most recent developments in the gambling sector...

    Betting, Gaming & Licensing
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral June 2020

    Domestically, the Governor and other members of the CBI's leadership team gave important speeches related to the economic outlook due to COVID-19, and focused on the impact of the pandemic for firms, households and the economy as a whole; At European level, ESRB published a number of sector-wide recommendations made in response to COVID-19.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms June 2020

    Domestically, there was a strong focus on consumer protection this month. The CBI issued a Dear CEO letter in relation to unregulated products and associated consumer protection issues; At European level, the EBA announced it has started delivering on the implementation of the new regulatory framework for investment firms, and launched a series of consultation papers...

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Banking June 2020

    Domestically, the CBI published its first Financial Stability Review of 2020, which was coloured by the impact of COVID-19; At European level, the EBA published a number of regulatory technical standards relating to own funds requirements and calculation of stress scenario risk measures under CRR2.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance June 2020

    Domestically, the CBI has published guidance for retail intermediaries on the requirement to hold professional indemnity cover, and has launched a consultation paper on regulations for pre-emptive recovery planning for (re)insurers; At European level, It has also launched a consultation on (re)insurance value chain and new business models arising from digitalisation.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds June 2020

    Domestically, the CBI has created a section on its website with information on the Central Beneficial Ownership Register for Certain Financial Vehicles; At European level, ESMA has made proposals regarding the pricing process for UCITS and AIFs; the European Commission has published draft delegated acts on the integration of sustainability risks and factors into the UCITS and AIFMD frameworks...

    Financial Regulation
  • COVID-19: Irish competition agency says businesses must decide pricing independently

    COVID-19: Irish competition agency says businesses must decide pricing independently

    On 1 July 2020, as the Irish economy was re-opening after the COVID-19 lockdown, Ireland's Competition and Consumer Protection (CCPC) warned businesses to act independently when setting prices and charges.

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    Greening of Public Procurement

    It comes as no surprise that the Programme for Government agreed by Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and the Green Party (the Programme) features green elements across a variety of policy headings.

    EU, Competition & Procurement