The Government has published the long awaited Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2020 which has the potential to change the nation's relationship to the climate.
Climate ActionALG's Finance Department provide a legal guide to Acquisition and Leveraged Finance in Ireland.
FinanceThe government has announced the largest budgetary package in the history of the State, in an effort to combat the financial effects of COVID-19, with targeted support provided to sectors which continue to suffer the worst effects of the pandemic such as hospitality, live entertainment and the Arts.
EmploymentKey messages from the Irish Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, and the Irish Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath on 13 October 2020
TaxBy 16 November 2020, regulated financial service providers (RFSPs) are required to: complete a determination of the applicability of the new Chief Information Officer role, bearing in mind the principle of proportionality.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment published its Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy on 4 September 2020 (the Waste Action Plan).
Environmental & PlanningThe European Commission has recently published a questions and answers (the Q&A) addressing certain issues relating to:
Financial RegulationOn 31 August 2020, the Minister for Finance signed the Commencement Order for the Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019 (CICA) bringing the majority of the provisions CICA into operation from 1 September 2020.
Financial RegulationDomestically, the CBI has issued its Christmas deadlines for receipt of applications for certain fund and sub-fund applications and approval of certain post-authorisation amendments; At European level, the European Commission has proposed a digital finance package, which includes a draft Directive on digital resilience and a draft Regulation on digital operational resilience.
Financial RegulationDomestically, , the text of the Bill transposing the 5th Anti Money Laundering Directive into Irish law has been published; At European level, the EBA has published an opinion on the future AML/CTF framework in the EU, a group of European supervisory authorities have launched a survey on environment and/or social financial product templates.
Financial RegulationDomestically, the CBI has published issue 9 of its Markets Update for 2020; At European level, ESMA has agreed position limits under MiFID II for a number of categories and published a report into the Market Abuse Regulation.
Financial RegulationDomestically, the Irish Government has announced a €2bn credit guarantee scheme to help businesses respond to the impact of COVID-19; At European level the EBA has published its work programme for 2021 and phased out its guidelines on legislative and non-legislative loan repayments moratoria.
Financial Regulation