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Legal Updates & Insights

  • Article

    Planning dispute settlement refused by High Court – EIA questions referred to CJEU

    The High Court has made a referral to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on whether it is obliged to rule on the legality of a decision to grant planning permission, in circumstances where all parties have consented to have the proceedings struck out.

    Environmental & Planning
  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments - Apr 2020

    ESMA guidelines on performance fees, ESG, ESMA & COVID-19, ESMA on performance and costs of retail investment products in the EU, ESMA consultation processes, AML / CTF.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments - Apr 2020

    CBI COVID-19 hub, CBI COVID-19 letter to industry, CBI COVID-19 measures, CBI Markets Updates, FATCA.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds Q&A - Apr 2020

    Q&A of the month. How should Regulated Financial Service Providers manage Pre-approval Controlled Function (PCF) vacancies in the context of the challenges presented by the COVID-19?

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • COVID-19: Financial Crime Risk – Regulatory expectations

    COVID-19: Financial Crime Risk – Regulatory expectations

    Financial services providers have been very active in maintaining essential services, managing their own duties as employers and managing operational and compliance risk in the COVID-19 environment. 

  • Did you lobby anyone about COVID-19?

    Did you lobby anyone about COVID-19?

    It is lawful to lobby in Ireland. However, certain lobbying exercises must be disclosed in the lobbying register on within certain statutory timelines otherwise businesses could be penalised or prosecuted.

  • Article

    The financial sector: a powerful actor in fighting climate change

    The European Commission has stressed that in order to achieve the EU's 2030 climate targets, approximately €180bn each year of additional investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy is needed  – a key part of this is 'making the financial sector a powerful actor in fighting climate change'.

    Energy & Natural Resources
  • A user’s guide to cross border restructurings

    A user’s guide to cross border restructurings

    The COVID-19 global crisis has brought cross border insolvencies into focus as companies consider the challenges that may arise where assets are situated across a number of jurisdictions and where an insolvency event may occur.

    Aviation & Transport Finance
  • Article

    Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) - One year on

    The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy was introduced on 1 April 2019 by the UK Government in line with The Companies (Directors' Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 coming into force.

  • COVID-19: Guidance for NI & UK employers on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Updated 30 April 2020

    COVID-19: Guidance for NI & UK employers on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Updated 30 April 2020

    On Monday 20 April 2020 the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the Scheme) opened for applications via the 'Government Gateway' portal. In just one week, over 387,000 applications have been made, covering 2.8m employees in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    COVID-19 Belfast
  • In business, is a problem shared, a problem doubled?

    In business, is a problem shared, a problem doubled?

    In life, it often happens that when someone shares an issue with a friend, they find that "the problem shared is a problem halved". That is a good outcome.

  • Data Protection Commission publishes tips for video conferencing

    Data Protection Commission publishes tips for video conferencing

    With the significant increase in the number of people working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of video-conferencing technologies and applications (VC Technology) by businesses for both internal and external meetings has seen a sharp increase.
