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Legal Updates & Insights

  • COVID-19 - Supporting directors duties during financial uncertainty

    COVID-19 - Supporting directors duties during financial uncertainty

    Our Restructuring & Insolvency team are here assist and to share their insights around supporting and guiding directors through this trying time when decisions may not be easy to make. In particular, we are hopeful our note below on 'Supporting directors duties during financial uncertainty' can help directors seeking to minimise risk, and businesses planning to avoid the need for a formal insolve

  • COVID-19: Emergency Public Health Measures Enacted

    COVID-19: Emergency Public Health Measures Enacted

    Last Friday, 20th March, 2020, the President signed into law emergency legislation in response to the evolving Covid-19 crisis. The Act gives the Government wide ranging powers to introduce Regulations in the area of public health aimed at slowing down the virus.

  • Article

    The European Union (Shareholders’ Rights) Regulations 2020 come into operation

    The European Union (Shareholders' Rights) Regulations 2020 (the Irish SRD II Regulations) come into operation on 30 March 2020. This is the Irish implementing legislation for the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive (SRD II).

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Guidance for Boards: PLC Matters from A&L Goodbody - updated 9 April 2020

    Guidance for Boards: PLC Matters from A&L Goodbody - updated 9 April 2020

    In our latest publication we outline and answer key questions of relevance to public companies listed/traded in Dublin and/or London in the context of COVID-19.

    Corporate & M&A
  • Article

    Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) – implementing legislation

    Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) – implementing legislation to come into force on 30 March 2020.

    Corporate & M&A
  • COVID-19 Board Business: M&A Transaction Issues

    COVID-19 Board Business: M&A Transaction Issues

    In this edition of our series "Responding to COVID-19 - Board Business" and to assist boards in navigating the M&A process in this unprecedented environment, we look at some immediate challenges for Boards and deal makers as the disruptive effects continue to intensify across all sectors of the economy. 

    Corporate & M&A
  • COVID-19 and Competition Law – Important guidance issued by European and Irish competition agencies

    COVID-19 and Competition Law – Important guidance issued by European and Irish competition agencies

    On 25 March 2020, Ireland's Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) published on its website the European Competition Network's (ECN) joint statement on the relationship between the COVID-19 crisis and competition law.

  • COVID-19: EIOPA Recommendations

    COVID-19: EIOPA Recommendations

    On 20 March 2020, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published recommendations on supervisory flexibility regarding the deadline for supervisory reporting and public disclosure by (re)insurers.

  • COVID-19 and Frustration in the UK

    COVID-19 and Frustration in the UK

    For many businesses contending with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a key consideration will be seeking to suspend or be excused from contractual obligations. In the second of a series of three articles, Barbara Creed, Litigation Partner in our Belfast Office...

    COVID-19 Belfast
  • COVID-19: Irish corporate tax residence rules

    COVID-19: Irish corporate tax residence rules

    With businesses facing uncertain times in light of COVID-19 related travel restrictions, it is necessary for many Irish tax resident companies to consider the impact of these restrictions on their Irish corporate tax residence status in circumstances where directors are unable or unwilling to travel to Ireland to attend board meetings.

  • COVID-19: State funded support for employers – the Wage Subsidy Scheme

    COVID-19: State funded support for employers – the Wage Subsidy Scheme

    In an attempt to address the financial anxiety being experienced by workers and businesses alike across Ireland the Government has announced the introduction of the National COVID-19 Income Support Scheme which contains a number of measures aimed at providing financial support to employers during these turbulent times.

  • COVID-19: Public Procurement, State Aid, Competition Law and Merger Control considerations

    COVID-19: Public Procurement, State Aid, Competition Law and Merger Control considerations

    The COVID-19 crisis poses new challenges for business leaders and general counsel a like. A&L Goodbody's EU, Competition and Procurement group have prepared a guide on how best to deal with some of those challenges.
