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Legal Updates & Insights

  • audio

    ESG and Investment Funds - ESA consultation on EU Disclosures Regulation

    The European Supervisory Authorities consultation on the EU Regulation on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector issued on 23 April 2020.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • COVID-19, Shipping and ports: EU shipping law aspects

    COVID-19, Shipping and ports: EU shipping law aspects

    A&L Goodbody's Dr Vincent Power writes why the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis demonstrates why an international convention is needed to deal with various aspects of shipping (including the repatriation of crew and passengers) in the event of another pandemic or epidemic.

  •  COVID-19: Practical guidance on the recent changes to the Wage Subsidy Scheme

    COVID-19: Practical guidance on the recent changes to the Wage Subsidy Scheme

    The Government has announced a number of significant changes to the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) in an attempt to address certain anomalies and today Revenue issued guidance on some of these changes.

  • Digital Finance in Europe – CBI views on technological innovation and digital finance

    Digital Finance in Europe – CBI views on technological innovation and digital finance

    In a recent address on Digital Finance in Europe, the Director of Financial Regulation, Policy and Risk at the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI), Gerry Cross, shared some of the CBI's thinking on the current and timely topic of technological innovation and digital finance.  

    Client Tech
  • EDPB publishes guidelines on processing health data for COVID-19 research

    EDPB publishes guidelines on processing health data for COVID-19 research

    The threat to global health caused by COVID-19 has led to unprecedented collaboration from the global scientific research community to urgently develop a vaccine. Given the prevalence of data sharing and open science, combined with the sensitive nature of the data involved, data protection concerns have quickly emerged.

  • COVID-19: The Operation of the Irish Courts

    COVID-19: The Operation of the Irish Courts

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the operation of Irish courts. While remote hearings have been rolled-out to good effect, there are teething issues.

  • COVID-19: Irish Government announces new support measures for Irish businesses

    COVID-19: Irish Government announces new support measures for Irish businesses

    The outbreak of COVID-19 continues to have a deep impact on businesses across all sectors. The Irish Government has announced a range of further measures to combat the impact of COVID-19 on Irish businesses.

    Corporate & M&A
  • COVID-19: Irish Government real estate interventions

    COVID-19: Irish Government real estate interventions

    To date, the Irish Government's approach to COVID-19 has been to handle the crisis by means of strong public health recommendations to both the public and commercial enterprises, rather than introducing any mandatory orders or statutory regulations.

    Commercial Property
  • publication

    EDPB issue updated guidelines on consent

    The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has published updated Guidelines 05/2020 on Consent under the GDPR, replacing the previous Article 29 Working Party Consent Guidelines published in April 2018.

  • Article

    Irish Data Protection Commission issues first GDPR fine

    The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has issued its first fine under the GDPR. Tusla, the child and family state agency, has been fined €75,000 for three data breaches.

  • Exiting Lockdown in NI: Time for employers to take action

    Exiting Lockdown in NI: Time for employers to take action

    The UK government and devolved administrations have in the past week provided a broad view of how lockdown will be relaxed and what our "new normal" may look like in the months ahead.

    COVID-19 Belfast
  • Article

    Seven Offshore Wind Projects given ‘Relevant Project’ status

    On 19 May 2020 the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government announced that seven Irish offshore wind projects have been designated as 'Relevant Projects' in the context of forthcoming Marine Planning and Development Management legislation.

    Energy & Natural Resources