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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds Sept 2019

    On the domestic front: CBI issued a consultation paper CP130 on the treatment, correction and redress of errors in investment funds; plus details of CBI deadlines for Christmas 2019 and more. In European News, ESMA issued guidelines on liquidity stress testing in UCITS and AIFs and details on China's foreign exchange...

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms Sept 2019

    This month, the Central Bank introduced an addendum to its Consumer Protection Code which includes new rules around the payment of commission to financial intermediaries; At EU level, ESMA issued its latest double volume cap data.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Banking Sept 2019

    This month, the Credit Reporting Act 2013 was amended to avoid duplication for lenders or other CIPs subject to other verification obligations; At EU level, the ECB introduced a two-tier system for remunerating excess liquidity holdings and made comments in relation to future concerns around the financial system.

    Financial Regulation
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    Paid Leave for Parents – time for employers to prepare

    This summer we saw the introduction of the Parental Leave (Amendment) Act, 2019 which extended unpaid parental leave from 18 to 22 weeks and a further extension to 26 weeks' parental leave by 2020. This week, the Government published the new Parent's Leave and Benefit Bill 2019. This Bill is expected to be enacted on or before 1 November 2019.

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    Irish Budget 2020

    Key messages from Mr Paschal Donohoe, the Irish Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform on 8 October 2019

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    SEAR: Part of an international drive for greater individual accountability?

    The past decade has seen a marked and continuing shift in global focus towards greater accountability and responsibility for decision making in the financial sector - no doubt influenced by the fallout of financial crisis.

    Insurance & Reinsurance
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    European Commission fines companies for an anti-competitive arrangement in the food sector

    On 27 September 2019, the European Commission (Commission) announced that it had fined two companies a total of €31.6m for breaching EU antitrust rules. A third company involved was not fined as it had disclosed the existence of the breach to the Commission.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Legal stress-testing of planning applications

    Legal stress-testing involves carrying out a legal review of a planning application before being lodged

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    Significant Supreme Court Decision: Employer duty to reasonably accommodate clarified

    The Supreme Court, weighing in on the legal saga relating to Daly v Nano Nagle School, has clarified the extent of an employer's duty to reasonably accommodate a disabled employee. Rowing back from last year's Court of Appeal decision, the Supreme Court appears to have imposed a more onerous burden on employers.

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    Patents in Ireland 2019

    John Whelan, Head of A&L Goodbody's Commercial & Technology Department and Alison Quinn, Associate, Commercial & Technology, review patent laws and regulations in Ireland.

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    Government publishes Legislation Programme for Autumn 2019

    The Government Chief Whip, Seán Kyne TD, has published the Government’s Legislation Programme for Autumn 2019. The Programme lists 32 priority Bills; 27 Bills currently before the Houses of the Oireachtas, and 69 Bills where preparatory work is underway.

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    Data face off: first court judgment ever on legality of facial recognition technology

    Last month, the UK Information Commissioner (ICO) released a statement announcing an investigation into the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) in public spaces and expressing concern over its "potential threat to privacy" and "people's…most sensitive personal data". The ICO reassured individuals that it "will not hesitate to use our investigative and enforcement powers to protect people's
