The EBA Single Rulebook for DORA has been updated with a new question and answer relating to the applicability of DORA to EU branches of credit institutions that are headquartered outside of the EU (referred to as ‘third-country branches’).
DORALMTs, UK’s Overseas Funds Regime, T+1, cross-border investment activity of firms, AML/CFT/FS.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDeadlines, F&P report, CBI authorisations and gatekeeping report, macroprudential policy for investment funds, IAF Q&As, CBI speeches.
Asset Management & Investment FundsOn 17 July 2024, the Planning and Development Bill 2023 (the Bill) passed Committee Stage in the Seanad.
Environmental & PlanningIreland has established a new statutory body which will examine the structure of the agricultural and food products supply chain and consider the potential impact of bargaining power and economic imbalances between suppliers and buyers.
ESG & SustainabilityOur Disputes & Investigations team provide an overview on legal professional privilege and professional secrecy in Ireland in Thomson Reuters Practical Law Guide.
DisputesWith the Irish parliament now in summer recess, it is likely that we will have a few months to wait for the enactment of the Gambling Regulation Bill.
Betting, Gaming & LicensingIreland introduced legislation to implement the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) into national law and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU.
ESG & SustainabilityWe have seen a significant increase in the volume of queries in relation to employers of record arrangements, from both employer of record service providers and end user clients in recent years.
EmploymentDomestically, the CBI issues Dear CEO letter on discretionary commission arrangements in the motor finance industry. At European level, the EBA publishes three sets of RTS from Phase 1 of the DORA implementation plan.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryAt European level, the EBA and ESMA publish a discussion paper on the potential review of the investment firms prudential framework and the Council of the European Union agrees its position on the Retail Investment Package.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the CBI publish latest issues of Insurance Quarterly Newsletter for Q2 2024 and Q1 2024 Insurance Corporation Statistics. At European level, EIOPA publish Annual Report for 2023 and biannual Financial Stability Report.