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Legal Updates & Insights

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    ESAs publish Final Report on draft RTS on the review of PAI and financial product disclosures under SFDR

    On 4 December 2023, the European Supervisory Authorities published their Final Report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the review of PAI and financial product disclosures in the SFDR Delegated Regulation.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Immigration Update: Significant Updates to the Employment Permits System for 2024

    On 20 December 2023, the Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail announced major changes to the employment permits system which will take effect in January 2024.

  • publication

    ALG responds to the Department of Finance’s Second Feedback Statement on Pillar 2

    On 27 July 2023 the Department of Finance published its second feedback statement the draft legislation to implement the OECD’s Pillar 2 Rules.

  • publication

    ALG responds to the Department of Finance’s First Feedback Statement on Pillar 2

    On 31 March 2023 the Department of Finance published its first feedback statement the draft legislation to implement the OECD’s Pillar 2 Rules.

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    Right to Work: Pay attention or pay the price

    Reducing migration – both legal and illegal - remains a key policy for the government. Unannounced visits designed to stop illegal working increased by 50% in 2023 and 2024 will bring significant increases in civil penalties for employers found to be facilitating illegal working. With the maximum fine tripling to £60,000 per worker, it is crucial that employers familiarise themselves.

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    The CCPC’s Expanding Role in Digital Regulation

    The Competition Consumer Protection Commission has been recently allocated with increased resources and new powers which will enable it to expand its role in regulating the digital economy. Read more here.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Central Bank of Ireland imposes first fine under EMIR Regulations, highlighting the importance of timely data reporting

    The Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) has reprimanded and fined GlobalReach Multi-Strategy ICAV (ICAV), a UCITS ICAV, €192,500 pursuant to the European Union (European Markets Infrastructure) Regulations 2014 (EMIR Regulations).

    Regulatory Risk & Investigations
  • publication

    Key developments and latest trends in fintech – an Irish legal perspective

    In the International Fintech Review 2023/24, our Financial Regulatory Advisory team provide an insight into key developments and latest trends in fintech.

  • Article

    AI Act - Insurance spotlight

    The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is one of the first attempts from a major regulator to address the growing prevalence of AI technologies. Businesses that develop, use and supply AI systems will be impacted. Importantly, this includes insurance sector firms and service providers.

    Insurance & Reinsurance
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    Insurance sector ESG & Sustainability highlights - 2023 round-up and 2024 horizon

    As 2023 draws to a close, the ALG Insurance & Reinsurance team take stock of key ESG & Sustainability developments in the insurance space; and look ahead to what is coming down the track for 2024.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • Article

    Provisional agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

    On 13 December 2023, a provisional agreement was reached between European Union co-legislators on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The CSDDD aims to enhance the protection of the environment and human rights in the EU and globally.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • Article

    The Central Bank’s Administrative Sanctions Procedure - new guidelines published

    The Central Bank’s Administrative Sanctions Procedure (the ASP) is the regulator’s key enforcement tool.

    Individual Accountability Framework