A legal guide to Acquisition and Leveraged Finance in Ireland
FinanceEuropean Commission regularly "dawn raids" businesses across the European Union (EU) to try to uncover evidence of anti-competitive deals, abuse of dominance and unlawful State aid. These dawn raids are surprise unannounced visits by a team of European Commission inspectors.
BrexitIf you are an EU citizen, and want to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021, you (and your family) can apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.
BrexitConducting disciplinary procedures can be a difficult task for any employer. Our Employment & Incentives Belfast team has outlined the key steps an organisation should take when conducting a disciplinary procedure.
Employment & Incentives BelfastAilbhe Dennehy, Senior Associate, on the A&L Goodbody Employment team conducts a review of the top employment cases from 2018 in this webinar recording.
EmploymentNotwithstanding the uncertainty of Brexit and the relative stagnation of local government, employment law continues to evolve apace. That said, many businesses still rely on outdated template employment contracts for new and existing staff. We outline some of the critical changes.
Employment & Incentives BelfastOn 24 January 2019 the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) published 228 legally binding decisions from 2018. The FSPO indicated that the aim in publishing the decisions was to enhance transparency and understanding of the powers and services of the FSPO. The powers of the FSPO are extensive – it can award compensation of up to €500,000 and it can also direct a regulated...
DisputesWith 59 days to go until B-Day, it is still not clear what will happen. Among the several plates which are spinning are: The UK's House of Commons is still voting on what the UK should do next. There is expected to be another "meaningful vote" over the next few weeks on whether to accept the draft withdrawal agreement but in the interim, parliament is considering a series of procedural votes...
BrexitThe 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code (the New Code) replaces the version of the Code issued by the UK's Financial reporting Council (FRC) in April 2016. The New Code applies to financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2019. Consequently, companies that are subject to the New Code must take the necessary steps to ensure that their policies and procedures are updated this year, in order...
Corporate & M&ADeadlines, UK TPR, MMFs, CBI AML/CTF Guidelines, the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Bill 2019, Brexit, AEOI reporting.
Asset Management & Investment FundsEU “no-deal” Contingency Action Plan, EU report on the operation of the AIFMD, new Investment Firms regulatory framework, ESMA report on retail investment products, AML/ CTF.
Asset Management & Investment FundsWill the Brexit deadline of 29 March impact any of the Central Bank filing deadlines?
Asset Management & Investment Funds