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Legal Updates & Insights

  • FinTech in Ireland 2018

    FinTech in Ireland 2018

    An overview of the fintech landscape in Ireland

    Capital Markets - Debt
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    The rise of age discrimination claims – New guidance for employers to be aware of

    The issue of age discrimination is front and centre in employers' minds, not least because of a number of high profile cases recently reported in the media.

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    Update on Irish Gambling Control Bill 2018

    In March 2018 we reported that Fianna Fáil (the main opposition party to the Government) had introduced the Gambling Control Bill 2018 as a Private Members' Bill. That Bill was debated in the Irish Parliament on 9 May.

    Betting, Gaming & Licensing
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    Gender Pay Gap Reporting in Ireland – Back in the Spotlight

    Gender pay gap (GPG) reporting continues to be a focal point for UK employers following the requirement for employers with more than 250 employees to publish details of their median pay and bonus gaps before last month's deadline. Of the 10,400 companies that reported their data, 78% identified a gap in favour of men.

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    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Funds April 2018

    On the domestic front, the CBI introduced a new RIAIF application process for the submission for Risk Management Process documents. European developments included the EC's adoption of a Delegated Regulation on STS securitisations and asset backed commercial papers, requirements for assets received as part of reverse repurchase agreements and credit quality assessment methodologies under....

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Cross Sectoral April 2018

    It was a relatively busy month for cross sectoral issues. In particular, the Financial Services Ombudsman (FSO) has extended the time period for bringing complaints. The government also released a draft of the 2018 Money Laundering Bill. Meanwhile, the European Parliament adopted the Fifth Money Laundering Directive. Institutions published guidance on Accepted Market Practice & consent...

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Investment Firms April 2018

    It was a quiet month on the domestic front. Key CBI personnel put culture squarely on the enforcement agenda. European developments included the ESMA proposing a simplified prospectus and a European Parliament report calling for international agreements to govern the EU's regulatory equivalence regime.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Insurance April 2018

    Irish developments this month focused on the Solvency II Directive, with the CBI issuing guidance on Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and publishing its findings on regulatory reporting under the Directive. On the European front, the European Commission published a draft delegated regulation amending securitisation calculations, while the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions...

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Banking April 2018

    Things have been relatively quiet on the domestic front. The CBI Deputy Governor addressed the Bank's strategy for resolving non-performing loans (NPLs) & Government policy on banking remuneration was discussed. Meanwhile, EU institutions released economic updates and regulatory agendas. The European Banking Authority (EBA) proposed amendments to rules for supervisory reporting and the European...

    Financial Regulation
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    Initial Public Offerings (IPO) Law Review 2018 - Ireland

    Matthew Cole and Sheena Doggett (Corporate and M&A Partners at A&L Goodbody) provide insights into the legal and procedural IPO landscape in Ireland. First published in the 'The Initial Public Offerings Law Review' (Second Edition) by Law Business Research.

    Capital Markets - Equity
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    Merger control: Wait for any necessary competition agency approvals

    Business fined €124.5m by the European Commission for implementing a deal before getting approval

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Competition Law: Businesses and Trade Associations in Competition Law Cases

    A detailed article on the challenges involved in representing businesses and trade associations in competition law cases

    EU, Competition & Procurement