Domestically, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation published its First Quarter Report on SME Credit Guarantee Scfheme. On the European front, the European Central Bank (ECB) has published a guide to clarify how it assesses the suitability of management committees of significant credit institutions that fall under its direct supervision. It has also set its approach to UK
Financial RegulationPeter Walker, Partner, and Sinéad O'Connor, Associate, in the Finance Department provide an Irish legal guide to securitisations.
Capital Markets - DebtOn the domestic front, the CBI published the Thirtieth Edition of its AIFMD Q & A and the Irish Funds GDPR Working Group published its fourth bulletin which outlines industry discussion on GDPR with the Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon. On the European front, The European Commission issued draft amending regulations in respect of safekeeping duties of depositaries for AIFs.....
Asset Management & Investment FundsOn the Domestic front the Central Bank published a Policy Notice, Handbook and Guidance on third-country branches, the cost of the Insurance Working Group published its latest quarterly update and there was a public consultation on the feasibility of an insurance claim-by-claim register. From a European perspective, the European Commission has proposed changes to the Motor Insurance Directive...
Financial RegulationDomestically the CBI issued its Second Consultation Paper on the Corporate Governance Requirements for investment firms and market operators. From a European perspective, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has launched its bond liquidity assessment system under MiFID II and the European Supervisory Authority (ESA) has called for responses to questions relating to EMIR C
Financial RegulationOn the domestic front the CBI published a Consultation on Potential Amendments to the Fitness and Probity Regime for Credit Unions. The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Bill 2018 has passed the second stage in the Dáil and was referred to the Select Committee on Justice and Equality for Committee stage. From a European perspective, on 14 May the council adopt
Financial RegulationAirdrops has become one of the most talked about trends in cryptocurrency so far in 2018
Client TechDeadlines, CBI AIFMD Q&A, GDPR, FATCA/CRS, Central Bank strategy, performance and speeches and more.
Asset Management & Investment FundsCybersecurity, Revising UCITS and AIFMD depositary safekeeping duties, ESMA UCITS Q&A, ESMA Benchmarks Q&A and more
Asset Management & Investment FundsWhat are the key provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and what is its likely impact on businesses operating from Ireland?
Asset Management & Investment FundsA provisional political agreement was reached on 30 May 2018 by the European Parliament and the Council on a recent European Commission for a Directive to further empower Member States' competition authorities in relation to the enforcement of EU competition law rules.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe recent Gazprom commitments given to the European Commission (Commission) under the EU competition law rules illustrate a number of important issues in relation to the competition law commitments.
EU, Competition & Procurement