Domestically, the Supreme Court found personal injury guidelines legally binding. At European level, the European Parliament approved certain amendments to Solvency II and the proposed text for Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive.
FinanceDomestically, measures set to be implemented for Irish-authorised GBP-denominated liability driven investment. At European level, the FSB published a consultation report on liquidity preparedness for margin and collateral calls.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the Department of Finance publishes the results from the SME Credit Demand Survey 2023 and the responses to the consultation on the National Payments Strategy. At European level, the European Parliament adopts texts to amend the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation.
FinanceThe final elements of the European Commission’s proposed legislative package of enhanced anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) rules have been adopted by the European Parliament.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryThe enactment of the Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 now appears imminent. Read more here.
Betting, Gaming & LicensingOn Wednesday 30 April 2024, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment (the Minister) announced the signing of regulations which commenced the Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers Act 2023 (the Act).
DisputesA recent UK judgment demonstrates the importance for franchisors to give prior consideration to exit strategies.
DisputesThe special summons procedure is a process open to pension scheme trustees when seeking the guidance of the Court in the form of directions.
Pensions Disputes & InvestigationsThe High Court has recently certified an appeal on an important question relative to Appropriate Assessment (AA).
In this publication, we identify the key energy policy and regulatory developments from January to April 2024.
Energy & Natural ResourcesIn this two part series on regulating ESG rating activities, we consider the steps being taken in Europe to regulate ESG rating providers and their activities.
Asset Management & Investment FundsHow do entities doing business in the EU calculate their foreign financial contributions for their reporting obligations under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation?
EU, Competition & Procurement