Ireland leads the way as an aircraft leasing jurisdiction and new developments for 2017 will further strengthen Ireland’s position. Ireland is already one of the most popular jurisdictions for aircraft leasing due largely to the fact that Ireland’s fiscal regime offers substantial advantages to the aircraft leasing industry.
Investing in Ireland2016 was certainly a year to remember in the financial services sector. With the implementation of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) which came into effect in March 2016, financial institutions will no doubt be aware of the shift of responsibility from regulatory bodies to corporate organisations and; ultimately, to individuals in their personal capacity holding senior....
BelfastOn 8 December the European Commission sent a reasoned opinion to Ireland and 14 other Member States requesting them to fully transpose one or more of the three new directives on public procurement and concessions into national law (Directives 2014/23/EC, 2014/24/EC and 2014/25/EC).
EU, Competition & ProcurementAlan Casey, Resident Partner, New York provides an overview of the key factors that have been driving Ireland's M&A market and outlines future prospects for M&A activity.
Corporate & M&AIn Governey v Financial Services Ombudsman [2016] IESC 78, Supreme Court, 21 December 2016 the Supreme Court considered whether an investment, made by Mr Governey in 2006 in "the Kennet Centre Geared Property Fund" (the Fund) was in fact an insurance contract.
DisputesThe Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) issued its guidance for fund management companies on managerial functions, operational issues and procedural matters which includes new rules for fund management companies on an effective supervision requirement and on the retrievability of records.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe EU conducts regular surveys of attitudes among the 500 million people across the Union. This is the so-called Standard Eurobarometer poll.
BrexitOn the Domestic Front: Central Bank publishes results of its themed review of risk function; Central Bank publishes Report on Mortgage Arrears
Financial RegulationOn the Domestic Front: Irish domiciled Investment Managers can apply to invest directly in Chinese securities. On the EU Front: ESMA publishes an updated Q&A on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive; ESMA updates MiFID II and MiFIR Q&A on investor protection
Financial RegulationOn the Domestic Front: Central Bank publishes Guidance on Fund Management Company Effectiveness, Feedback Statement and Updated Q&As; Central Bank publishes the 22nd edition of the AIFMD Q&A; Central Bank publishes the 15th edition of the UCITS Q&A. On the EU Front: ESMA publishes an updated Q&A on the application of the AIFMD.
Financial RegulationOn the Domestic Front: Central Bank publishes Guidelines on the Corporate Compliance Code Compliance Statement; Central Bank publishes Frequently Asked Questions on corporate governance requirements for credit institutions.
FinanceOn the Domestic Front: Central Bank publishes policy note on the submission of information under Solvency II; CBI publishes "Dear CEO" letter on Solvency Capital Requirement; Insurance Ireland and DIMA propose merger. On the EU Front: Insurance Block Exemption Regulation will expire on 31 March 2017; EIOPA publishes guidelines for supervisor/auditor dialogue.
Financial Regulation