On the Domestic Front: Central Bank of Ireland issues second Tracker Mortgage Examination status update; Central Bank of Ireland publishes Addendum to the Consumer Protection Code relating to variable rate mortgage holders. On the EU Front: European Banking Authority publishes final draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the separation of payment card schemes and processing of entities; European
Financial RegulationOn the Domestic Front: CBI publishes revised Insurance Quarterly newsletter; Insurance Ireland reiterates concerns over claims costs related to rising motor premiums. On the EU Front: EIOPA launches consultation on policy proposals regarding the implementation of IDD; European Commission calls for technical advice from EIOPA.
FinanceThe Central Bank of Ireland has published its third and final CP86 consultation on fund management company effectiveness.
Asset Management & Investment FundsAs the dusts settles on the Senior Managers Regime which came into effect earlier this year, organisations within the financial services industry will no doubt be looking ahead to implementation of the PRA and FCA's new whistleblowing requirements. The deadline for implementation of these new requirements is 7 September 2016.
Pensions & IncentivesOn the Domestic front we look at upcoming deadlines, Central Bank Markets Update and the new Market Abuse Regime.
Asset Management & Investment FundsIn the News this month: CBI Markets Update, new Market Abuse regime, UCITS V Regulation, AIFMD passport, Asset Segregation and Custody under AIFMD and UCITS Directive, Benchmarks Regulation, AML/CTF, PRIIPs, Data Protection and the Privacy Shield, Cybersecurity, EuVECAs and EuSEFs and the ESMA risk dashboard.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe Paternity Leave and Benefit Bill 2016 (the Bill) has been passed by the Dail. The Bill will commence on 1 September next. It will provide long awaited statutory paternity leave and benefit for fathers. It will also bring Ireland in line with other EU countries.
Pensions & IncentivesAlan McCarthy looks at how antitrust commitments can be terminated early in relation to energy and competition law.
EU, Competition & ProcurementOn 27 July 2016, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker appointed Michel Barnier as the European Commission's Chief Negotiator.
EU, Competition & ProcurementDr. Vincent Power, Partner and Head of EU, Competition and Procurement at A&L Goodbody explains the EU competition law relating to seaports. This article was first published in the committee newsletter of the 'Transportation, Energy & Antitrust – Section of Antitrust Law' by the American Bar Association, Spring 2016.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 ("CDM 2016") come into force on 1 August 2016.
Projects & InfrastructureKey practical issues from a (re)insurers’s perspective in relation to Brexit.