The Labour Court recently issued its first recommendation under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015.
Pensions & IncentivesOn Brexit, it is now time for business executives to move from the politics to the practicalities.
BrexitAfter months of speculation the Northern Ireland Department of the Economy (the successor body to DETI) has confirmed today that the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation scheme (the "NIRO") will close to new small wind farms on 30 June 2016.
Energy & Natural ResourcesThe UK referendum held on 23 June 2016 has resulted in a majority voting in favour of the UK leaving the EU.
Asset Management & Investment FundsIn Grant & ors -v- The Minister for Communications & ors [2016] IEHC 328 the High Court refused the Plaintiffs' request to invite the parties to use mediation to settle or determine the proceedings on the basis that the proceedings in question were not amenable to mediation.
DisputesThis case concerned a challenge to a High Court judgment which was entered against Mr Hanley for failure to repay monies borrowed pursuant to a loan agreement.
Financial RegulationThe Companies Act 2014 (the Act) was signed into law in December 2014 and the bulk of the act commenced (that is, to enter into force) on 1 June 2015.
Companies ActThe US government has asked the Irish High Court to be joined as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the case between Schrems and Facebook, concerning the validity of Standard Contractual Clauses, as the case has potentially significant implications to US authorities and companies.
Privacy & Data SecurityThe recently published Government Legislative programme notes that the introduction of paternity leave is a priority for the newly formed Government with the publication of the Paternity Leave and Paternity Benefits Bill due before the summer recess.
EmploymentA man who took a Snapchat video of himself snorting cocaine while wearing a T-shirt from a Dublin restaurant of which he was an employee has lost his claim for unfair dismissal before the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ⃰.
Pensions & IncentivesThe Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) will commence a new process for the application of International Security Identification Numbers (ISIN) for Irish domiciled debt securities and investment funds intending to list on the ISE’s markets from 27 June 2016.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) published a new Markets Update (Issue 3 2016 dated 2 June)
Asset Management & Investment Funds