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    Cyber Risk – Is Your Business Prepared?

    Cyber security breaches are continually hitting national and international headlines and the need to be proactive to safeguard your business against such risks is increasingly important.

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    The War on Renewables?

    It is safe to say that the recent budget announced by Chancellor George Osborne came as something of a shock to the clean energy industry.

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    Penalty Clauses in the Context of Leaver Provisions

    Provisions allowing one party to withhold or forfeit future payments following a breach, or exit provisions allowing an innocent party to buy out a defaulting party at below market value, are common features in a wide range of corporate and commercial agreements.

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    Assignment of a Bare Cause of Action void as being Champertous

    SPV Osus Limited -v- HSBC International Trust Services (Ireland) Limited & ors [2015] IEHC 602 arose out of the Madoff fraud. Optimal Strategic US Equity Limited (OS) invested nearly all of its assets in Madoff funds and had a claim as an unsecured, non-preferential, creditor in the Madoff bankruptcy (the Allowed Customer Claim).

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    Irish High Court rules arbitral award may constitute a debt for the purposes of bankruptcy proceedings

    In Des Hennessey v Building Contractors Ltd v O'Beirne [2015] IEHC 596, the Irish High Court considered whether the arbitrator had been validly appointed and whether the petitioner was entitled to enforce an arbitral award as a debt through the bankruptcy summons procedure.

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    Directing the Directors: Injunction granted preventing the holding of an EGM

    The High Court, in a decision handed down on 28 September last, granted an injunction to the petitioner, Petroceltic International Plc preventing the holding of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) that had been called by the defendant, Worldview Capital Management SA (Worldview), a 29.44% shareholder in the Company.

    Corporate Governance & Compliance
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    Transfer Tools Post Schrems: EU Data Protection Authorities’ Common Position on Model Contacts

    Model Contracts are standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data outside the EU/EEA which have been approved by the European Commission.

    Privacy & Data Security
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    UCITS V – Spotlight on the Depositary

    UCITS V is set to be transposed into law by 18 March 2016 and clients are now beginning to plan and prepare for its impact from a depositary perspective.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    The burning question: are e-cigarettes permitted in the workplace?

    Over the past number of years, electronic cigarettes (often referred to as 'e-cigarettes') have become increasingly popular across the world, and in particular, throughout the UK, following the 'smoking ban' implemented in 2007.

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    Budget 2016 – What do employers need to know?

    From an employer's perspective, the most significant change is the increase in the minimum wage. The increase was well flagged as the publication of the Low Pay Commission's first report in July of this year recommended an increase of 50 cent (representing a 5.8% increase) to bring the national minimum wage from €8.65 to €9.15 per hour.

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    Mediation Bill to be published later this year

    The Minister for Justice has recently announced that the long awaited Mediation Bill will be published later this year. The aim of the proposed Bill is to allow for mediation as a viable and effective alternative to litigation for those involved in civil disputes.

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    Industrial Action – Striking Fear in Employers – Top Ten Tips

    Picketing is not lawful if picketers are engaged in abusive or threatening behavior, or if there are excessive numbers at the picket having regard to the size and location of the entrance in question.
