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Legal Updates & Insights

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    Government planning significant increases to immigration fees

    Earlier this year, the government announced plans to increase immigration fees to ensure a sustainable and efficient immigration and nationality system. It was also suggested that the significant rise in certain visa fees would help to fund public sector pay increases.

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    UK Supreme Court issues landmark decision on holiday pay calculation

    The UK Supreme Court has delivered its much-anticipated judgment in the case of the Chief Constable of the PSNI and another (PSNI / Appellants) v Agnew and Others (Respondents) [2023] ending the long running legal discourse about holiday pay calculations.

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    High Court refuses Injunction to Restrain Payment under a Letter of Credit

    The Irish High Court (the Court) has refused an injunction seeking to restrain payment under a letter of credit.

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    The OJ isn’t what it used to be! The EU has a new Official Journal format

    Since 1 October 2023, the OJ has changed.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments – September 2023

    SFDR consultations, ESA report on voluntary disclosure of PAIs under SFDR, ESMA’s work programme, ESRB paper on systemic risk, ESAs Autumn 2023 report on risks and vulnerabilities, ESMA’s TRV, AML/CFT/FS.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments – September 2023

    Deadlines, CBI speech on sustainable finance in practice for fund managers.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Irish Court dismisses Russian insurer’s challenge to aviation insurance claim being litigated in Ireland

    The Irish Commercial Court (the Court) has delivered an ex-tempore decision confirming that the Irish Courts have jurisdiction to resolve an insurance claim against a Russian insurer related to aircraft stranded in the Russian Federation (Russia).

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    Hague Judgments Convention enters into force

    The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (the Hague Judgments Convention / HJC) entered into force on 1 September 2023.

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    European Commission designates first six gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act

    The European Commission has announced the designation of six “gatekeepers” under the new Digital Markets Act (DMA). These are the first companies to receive this status under the new Act. 

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    French lawmaker announces intention to challenge the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

    Late last week, a member of French parliament, Philippe Latombe, announced that he has applied to the EU’s General Court to seek an annulment of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (the DPF), which was approved by the European Commission last July.

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    Sustainability Agreements and Competition Law

    As environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals become a growing business priority, competition law is, in some ways, adapting to encourage or facilitate collaboration between competitors that promote these objectives.

    ESG & Sustainability
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    Mind the “NatCat” gap – the natural catastrophe insurance protection gap

    This article explores EIOPA’s growing concerns about the insurance implications of the climate crisis, particularly in relation to the “insurance protection gap” in respect of natural catastrophe (NatCat) insurance and considers what practical next steps insurers and businesses might consider taking.

    ESG & Sustainability