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    The Front Page, Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments

    On the International Front, we look at the MMF Regulation, ESMA AIFMD Q&A, ESMA KIID Q&A, ESMA guidelines and technical standards, ELTIFs, Capital Markets Union, Anti- Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, Shadow Banking Consultation (all MMFs and AIFs in scope), Market Abuse and Inside Information, Conflicts of Interest, ESMA Risk Dashboard, ESMA Regulatory Work programme an

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Man sues DPC for failing to conduct an oral hearing

    A Garda has alleged that his data protection rights were breached when a representative of his Credit Union, showed his father his confidential financial statements which indicated difficulties with his loans.

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    Supreme Court considers the transfer of registered charges in a cross-border merger

    The Supreme Court recently unanimously dismissed an appeal by Patrick McLaughlin and Roseann McLaughlin (together the McLaughlins) against the appointment of receiver, Tom Kavanagh, and a declaration that Bank of Scotland plc (BOS) was entitled to recover debts of over €4million.

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    What next for renewable energy support schemes in Ireland?

    Alan McCarthy a partner in A&L Goodbody's EU, Competition & Procurement group along with Kevin Feeney and Ross Moore, both Partners in A&L Goodbody's Energy & Natural Resources Group look at what the next round of renewable support for electricity generation from renewable energy beyond REFIT 2 and REFIT 3 will look like.

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    Data Analytics in Ireland

    A&L Goodbody's IP & Technology group provide an overview of 'Data Analytics in Ireland' and outline what your organisation needs to consider when engaged in data analytics.

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    Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission: Price Transparency and Discriminatory Practices - the Glasnevin Case

    The Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission ("CCPC") is the successor institution to the Irish Competition Authority ("ICA") and the National Consumer Agency. Unlike the European Commission, the CCPC may not impose penalties because the power to do so is reserved to courts by virtue of the Irish Constitution.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Ireland’s Competition and Communications Agencies conclude Cooperation Agreement

    Ireland’s Competition and Communications Agencies conclude Cooperation Agreement Ireland’s competition and consumer agency is the “Competition and Consumer Protection Commission” (the “CCPC”).

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Fair procedures in redundancy cases

    A recent determination from the Employment Appeals Tribunal (the EAT) reiterates the key elements of fairness necessary when effecting a redundancy dismissal (Desmond McGuire v Sleedagh Farms Limited UD1320/2012).

    Pensions & Incentives
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    European Court considers safety of Safe Harbour

    The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is due to hear questions concerning the validity of the Safe Harbour regime today, Tuesday 24 March 2015, in Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner (Case C-362/14).

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    High Court rules Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears does not require a Lender to participate in Mortgage to Rent Scheme

    In Stepstone Mortgage Funding Ltd -v- Clarke & anor [2015] IEHC 105, High Court, White Michael J, 15 January 2015 the High Court held, in an application for possession of a property, that while the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (the Code) required a lender to explore all options for alternative repayment, the lender is not obliged to explore the option of a voluntary scheme of which it is no

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    OCS v DAA Appeal: Supreme Court Judgment on Automatic Suspension - 30 January 2015

    On 30 January 2015, Mr Justice Frank Clarke issued a detailed judgment outlining the reasons for the Supreme Court's dismissal of an appeal by Dublin Airport Authority ("DAA") against the High Court judgment of 30 May 2014 on a refusal to lift an automatic suspension.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Changes to Irish Media Merger Control

    The Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014 (the "2014 Act") has introduced significant changes to Irish media mergers effective from the 31 October 2014. The 2014 Act now mandates dual notification of media mergers to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) (or the European Commission) and the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Minister).

    EU, Competition & Procurement