On the Domestic Front: Central Bank issues letter to industry following themed inspection of Client Categorisation for Investment Firms. On the International Front: European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) consult on margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issues its Q1 risk dashboard for securities markets.
FinanceOn the Domestic Front: Central Bank identifies weaknesses in lenders’ compliance with the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears. The IBRC Commission of Investigation's Terms of Reference are revised. Regulations providing for credit institutions' maintenance of accounts are introduced.
FinanceOn the Domestic Front: New Regulations regarding insurers' financial statements are introduced. Central Bank publishes its findings from a themed review of the retail intermediary sector and its presentation to the Society of Actuaries' Solvency II Forum.
FinanceA recent determination from the Employment Appeals Tribunal provides a useful reminder of an employer's obligations when managing employees who are absent on sick leave.
Pensions & IncentivesAs usual, the Data Protection Commissioner's Annual Report reveals some interesting trends, statistics and case-studies, and provides an insight into priority areas being pursued by the DPC.
GDPROn 8 May 2015, the European Commission announced that DG Competition will host the second Global Maritime Regulatory Summit on 18 June 2015 in Brussels. It will be a follow-up to the first Summit in Washington in December 2013.
EU, Competition & ProcurementPeter Maher, Partner and Head of Tax, A&L Goodbody provides an overview of the tax issues and opportunities in Ireland.
Investing in IrelandJohn Whelan, Resident Partner San Francisco and Head of International Technology Practice at A&L Goodbody shares some insights on the advantages of Ireland’s legal offering for the international technology sector.
TechnologyThe Northern Irish Court of Appeal has, this morning, held that the Belfast Tribunal ruled in error on its interpretation of Bear Scotland.
BelfastOn the Domestic Front, we look at Gareth Murphy's speech (which includes consideration of AIFMD 3rd country passport), Board and Corporate Governance Requirements, Central Bank Q&A on the Companies Act 2014, revised AIF Rulebook, updated AIFMD Q&A, updated UCITS Q&A, ONR Annual Sub-fund Profile Return, EuSEFs, EuVECAs and Markets update.
Asset Management & Investment FundsOn 14 May 2015, the Private Security (Licensing and Standards) (Private Investigator) Regulations 2015 (S.I. No 195 of 2015) were signed into law.
Investing in IrelandThe Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon, has published her Annual Report for 2014.
Investing in Ireland