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    Voluntary Overtime – NI Court of Appeal suggests it may need to be included in calculating holiday pay after all

    Given the pace that decisions on holiday pay are moving, it almost seems like old news that non-guaranteed overtime payments should be included in the calculation of holiday pay.

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    Comparator Products must be identifiable and similar to come within Comparative Advertising Rules

    Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited and Aldi Gmbh and Co Kg –v- Dunnes Stores, Cregan J, 9 June 2015 In this case Aldi claimed Dunnes had engaged in unlawful comparative advertising. Aldi also claimed that in using its trademarks in an unlawful manner, Dunnes had infringed its trademarks.

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    English High Court orders Disclosure of Privileged Communications provide to Regulator

    In Property Alliance Group Ltd v The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc [2015] EWHC 1557 the English High Court held that Royal Bank of Scotland ("the Bank"), by positively relying on regulatory decisions in their Defence, had waived legal professional privilege and without prejudice privilege in documents provided to those regulators.

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    New Direction Practice for Experts - What does it mean?

    A new practice direction which came into play on 01 June 2015 is set to bring about more focus on the use of expert witnesses and the asssociated costs in commercial litigation cases. John Dugdale, Associate at A&L Goodbody, explains how this will impact on how an expert is instructed going forward.

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    ‘A first for everything’ - Home Office immigration cap reached for Non-EU skilled workers

    The government's monthly immigration cap for non-EU skilled workers has been reached for the first time in the history of the United Kingdom's Points Based System, blocking, or at best, hindering the arrival of some professionals including nurses, doctors and teachers to the UK.

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    Consultation on the impact of procurement law challenges

    Consultation on the impact of procurement law challenges The European Commission is consulting on the effectiveness of the remedies available to tenderers in the context of breaches of public procurement law.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Are you cyber secure?

    This article discusses some practical strategies for avoiding cyber security breaches and mitigating damage if they do occur.

    Investing in Ireland
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    Data Protection Commissioner clamps down on ‘vetting by the back-door’

    The Data Protection Commissioner has written to a random selection of 40 organisations to raise awareness of, and ensure compliance with, legislation introduced last year prohibiting 'enforced access requests' by employers.

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    European Venture Capital Fund Regulations: June 2015 update

    On 20 May 2015 the Minister for Finance published the European Union (European Venture Capital Funds) Regulations 2015 (SI 167/2015). This legislation designates the Central Bank as the Competent Authority for the purposes European Venture Capital Funds Regulations (the EuVECA Regulations - Regulation (EU) No 345/2013).

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    European Data Protection - Ireland

    Mark Rasdale, Partner in A&L Goodbody's IP & Technology group, looks at some recent key developments in relation to data protection, cybercrime and cyber security in Ireland. This was published in the European Data Protection Update in June 2015.

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    European Venture Capital Fund Regulations: June 2015 update

    On 20 May 2015 the Minister for Finance published the European Union (European Venture Capital Funds) Regulations 2015 (SI 167/2015)

    Investing in Ireland
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    “A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge … it is one that controls immigration.” [Prime Minister, David Cameron], 21 May 2015.

    Tougher curbs on migration from outside the European Union have already had a significant impact on the numbers of students and family members travelling from countries such as India and Pakistan.

    Pensions & Incentives