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Legal Updates & Insights

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    Gun-jumping: regulators setting their sights on deal-making in Europe and in Ireland

    In our note of July 2022 we considered European developments regarding the $8b acquisition of GRAIL Inc. (Grail) by Illumina Inc (Illumina), both US headquartered businesses.

    Corporate & M&A
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    Dismissals – it’s complicated!

    In our recent three-part webinar series, ‘Dismissals – It’s Complicated’, we provided our insights on what employers need to know when faced with the most common, and often tricky, dismissals in Ireland. Read our key takeaways here.

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    Supreme Court says ‘Pay Now, Argue Later’ in service charge dispute

    The Supreme Court has recently handed down its judgement in Sara Hossein Asset Holdings Ltd v Blacks Outdoor Retail Ltd, which will be of interest to commercial landlords and tenants in NI and persuasive to the NI judiciary. Read more on the decision here.

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    Gender equality: gaps in NI equality legislation

    Demands for equal treatment in a sporting environment reflect that of the workplace. Read more here.

  • publication

    EU-US Data Privacy Framework – at a glance

    On 10 July 2023 the European Commission adopted an adequacy decision relating to the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US which takes place under the EU-US Data Protection Framework. In this short update we summarise how the framework will operate in practice

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    Striking a new balance | Changes to occupiers’ liability - an insurance perspective

    The Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 has been signed into law by the President. New provisions governing an occupiers’ duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1995 will take effect once the Act has been commenced.

    Insurance & Reinsurance
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    Representative Actions Act 2023 is signed into law

    The Representative Actions Act was signed by the President on 11 July 2023, having completed its passage through both Houses of the Oireachtas on 4 July 2023. This Act transposes the EU Collective Redress Directive into Irish Law. Read our briefing here.

  • publication

    New European regulatory regime: The Foreign Subsidies Regulation

    A new EU regulatory regime, the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), will be commencing shortly. It enables the European Commission to scrutinise companies making certain acquisitions, engaging in public procurement, or otherwise carrying out economic activities in the EU which have benefited from non-EU subsidies.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral June 2023

    Domestically, the CBI has launched a consultation on its draft composite guidelines on the administrative sanctions procedure. At European level, on 23 June 2023, the EU adopted its 11th round of sanctions against Russia, focussing on enforcement and implementation of existing measures.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance June 2023

    Domestically, the Central Bank of Ireland has published the Insurance Corporation Statistics for Q1 2023. At European level, the European Insurance and Pensions Occupational Authority has published a progress report on greenwashing from an insurance and pensions perspective.

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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds June 2023

    Domestically, the Department of Finance has launched a public consultation to inform a review of Ireland’s funds sector. At European level, ESMA has released new Q&As on AIFMD and UCITS. ESMA published its follow-up report to the peer review on the guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS issues.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms June 2023

    Domestically, the CBI has outlined its expectations in respect of the provision of unregulated products and / or services by investment firms. At European level, ESMA has launched a call for evidence on integrating sustainability preferences and product governance arrangements under MiFID II.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds