In this article, we provide an overview of the targeted consultation on the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation.
Asset Management & Investment FundsIreland’s whistleblowing regime has changed significantly following the transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive earlier this year. Read more about the top queries we received from clients during the first year of the new whistleblowing regime here.
EmploymentHome Secretary James Cleverly has revealed the government’s plans to reduce legal net migration, including major changes to skilled worker visa salary thresholds and a curb on migrant workers bringing their dependants to the UK. Read more
BelfastThe far-reaching changes to Irish merger control and competition law in Ireland under the Competition (Amendment) Act 2022 have now come into force.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe Irish Government has published the long awaited Screening of Third Country Transactions Bill 2022 which will introduce a screening regime for foreign direct investments in Ireland by parties established in third countries.
EU, Competition & ProcurementESMA speech, AIFMD II, ESMA notes on aspects of the EU sustainable finance framework, ESMA USSP of cyber risk and digital resilience, AML/CFT/FS.
Asset Management & Investment FundsYear-end deadlines, CBI deadlines, IAF, F&P, ELTIFs, AIFMD Q&A: loan origination, ILPs, subsidiaries: PRIIPs KID, CBI speeches, CBI markets updates.
Asset Management & Investment FundsRecently, the CBI published its finalised Guidance on the Individual Accountability Framework, along with three sets of draft Regulations and its feedback statement on the Consultation on the draft Guidance, outlining a number of substantive changes to aspects of the IAF, including SEAR. Read our Publication here.
Individual Accountability FrameworkAfter months of pre-legislative scrutiny, the long awaited Planning and Development Bill 2023 was published on 21 November. Read more here.
Environmental & PlanningThe CBI has published its finalised Guidance on the Individual Accountability Framework, three sets of draft Regulations and its feedback statement on the Consultation on the draft Guidance.
Financial RegulationThe High Court recently considered the requirement for a derogation licence before planning permission is granted in Hellfire Massy Residents v An Bord Pleanála. Read our update here.
Environmental & PlanningOn 15 November 2023, the Department of Justice (Immigration Service Delivery) (ISD) announced a significant change to the process applicable to Critical Skills Employment Permit holders, Researchers on a Hosting Agreement, and NCHD Multi-Site General Employment Permit holders wishing to transfer to a Stamp 4 immigration permission. Read more on this update here.