Domestically, the CBI published the Funding Strategy and Guide to the 2022 Industry Funding Regulations. At European level, the ESMA publishes second consultation paper on MiCA technical standards, issues letter clarifying the timeline for MiCA, and enters the next phase of digital euro project.
Financial RegulationDomestically, the European Commission has published final texts on MiFID II and MiFIR revisions. The ESMA has launched a Common Supervisory Action on MiFID II sustainability requirements and has updated its Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR market structure topics.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the MoU for reporting insurance fraud has been agreed between An Garda Siochana, Insurance Ireland and Alliance for Insurance Reform. At European level, EIOPA published its Work Plan for 2024-2026.
FinanceDomestically, the CBI published Consultation Paper 155 on a proposed new ELTIF chapter to be included in its AIF Rulebook. At European level, the ESMA sees an increase in the use of ESG-related language in the EU fund industry.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the European Union (Bank Recovery and Resolution) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 come into force in November. At European level, the Basel Committee issues a report on the 2023 banking turmoil.
FinanceIreland’s whistleblowing regime has changed significantly as a result of the transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive on 1 January 2023 by means of the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 (the Act). Read more about the upcoming changes here.
EmploymentOn 18 October 2023, the European Central Bank took another step towards launching the digital version of the euro. Read more.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryTwo recent judgments of the Irish Courts provide helpful guidance on the scope of the Norwich Pharmacal (NP) jurisdiction in Ireland. On the one hand, they confirm that NP relief is exceptional and will only ordinarily be limited to an order requiring the disclosure of information identifying prospective defendants.
DisputesThe Minister for Children, Equality, Integration and Youth has indicated that the provisions of the Work-life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 (the WLB Act) regarding domestic violence leave will commence from Monday 27 November 2023. Read more here.
EmploymentOn 15 November 2023, the Government announced the signature of the commencement order for the Regulation of Lobbying and Oireachtas Act 2023. Read more
InvestigationsThe Gender Pay Gap Information Act and Regulations require employers with 250 or more employees to publish details of the gender pay gap (GPG) in their organisation by this December. Read more here.
EmploymentCentral Bank of Ireland (CBI) issued details of its deadlines for receipt of applications that have pre-Christmas or pre year-end approval deadlines.
Asset Management & Investment Funds