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    The EU Social Taxonomy Proposal

    Following the introduction of the EU's environmental taxonomy, the Platform on Sustainable Finance (the Platform), as advisor to the European Commission, was asked to advise on a potential social taxonomy framework.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • Article

    Minimum Safeguards – understanding the EU Taxonomy Requirements

    The Taxonomy Regulation is a complex piece of legislation. Its aim is to reorient capital flows towards sustainable activities through the establishment of a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • article

    EU Taxonomy and the construction sector

    What is EU Taxonomy and how does it apply to the construction industry?

  • Article

    Taxonomy regulation:  An Overview of the Reporting Obligations

    While the Taxonomy Regulation establishes a classification system for determining whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable, it also introduces obligations on certain types of entities to report on the Taxonomy alignment of their activities or the financial products that they offer.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • article

    Regulatory investigations: launch of Central Bank of Ireland consultation

    The Central Bank of Ireland has launched a consultation on a number of legislative and policy amendments to its Administrative Sanctions Procedure. Read more on our update here.

    Financial Regulation
  • publication

    Funds Sector 2030 public consultation commences

    In early April the Department of Finance finally issued their terms of reference for reviewing the Irish funds sector (both regulated and unregulated and including section 110 SPVs). The review was originally flagged by the Minister of Finance in his Budget 2023 speech.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Costs in tax litigation

    Costs in tax litigation

    Taxpayers who are dissatisfied with a decision or assessment of the Irish Revenue Commissioners (Revenue) have the right to appeal to the Tax Appeals Commission (TAC), which is the statutory body that has the power to set aside, vary or uphold a decision of Revenue, or seek judicial review of the relevant Revenue decision directly to the High Court.

    Tax Disputes & Enquiries
  • Irish tax litigation – the role of privilege

    Irish tax litigation – the role of privilege

    Privilege is the entitlement of a party to refuse to disclose documents to another party in a dispute, including before the Tax Appeals Commission (TAC).

    Tax Disputes & Enquiries
  • article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance May 2023

    Domestically, phase 2 of the Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act will take effect from 4 September 2023. At European level, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority published its regular updates on technical information and risks posed to the insurance sector.

    Financial Regulation
  • article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds May 2023

    Domestically, Deputy Governor of the CBI, Vasileios Madouros, and Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath, delivered speeches on 'Building Resilience in Markets' and on a review of the funds sector in Ireland respectively. At European level, the European Commission's retail investment package has been issued.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms May 2023

    At European level, on 25 May 2023, ESMA issued a public statement warning of the significant risk where investors may misunderstand the protections they are afforded when investing in unregulated products and/or services offered by a firm that also provides regulated products.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral May 2023

    Domestically, Governor of the CBI, Gabriel Makhlouf, published a blog on 'Crypto and How we Can Protect the Consumer'. At European level, the European Commission has adopted a draft MoU establishing a framework for structured regulatory cooperation in financial services with the United Kingdom.

    Financial Regulation