On 18 October 2023, the European Central Bank took another step towards launching the digital version of the euro. Read more.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryTwo recent judgments of the Irish Courts provide helpful guidance on the scope of the Norwich Pharmacal (NP) jurisdiction in Ireland. On the one hand, they confirm that NP relief is exceptional and will only ordinarily be limited to an order requiring the disclosure of information identifying prospective defendants.
DisputesThe Minister for Children, Equality, Integration and Youth has indicated that the provisions of the Work-life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 (the WLB Act) regarding domestic violence leave will commence from Monday 27 November 2023. Read more here.
EmploymentOn 15 November 2023, the Government announced the signature of the commencement order for the Regulation of Lobbying and Oireachtas Act 2023. Read more
InvestigationsThe Gender Pay Gap Information Act and Regulations require employers with 250 or more employees to publish details of the gender pay gap (GPG) in their organisation by this December. Read more here.
EmploymentCentral Bank of Ireland (CBI) issued details of its deadlines for receipt of applications that have pre-Christmas or pre year-end approval deadlines.
Asset Management & Investment FundsToday, the CBI has published its finalised Guidance on the Individual Accountability Framework, three sets of draft Regulations and its feedback statement on the Consultation on the draft Guidance. Read our update here.
Asset Management & Investment FundsA&L Goodbody's EU, Competition & Procurement team take a look at competition law in Ireland in 2023
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe Council of the European Union has published final compromise texts for proposed amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Markets in Financial Instruments, which reflect the provisional political agreement that was reached with the European Parliament in June 2023.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryOn 23 October 2023, the European Council adopted a directive concerning financial services contracts concluded at a distance, following approval by the European Parliament. This marks the final step of the EU decision-making process.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryWe reflect on the Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition address on the Digitial Markets Act as well as AI. Read more.
EU, Competition & ProcurementIreland's Screening of Third Country Transactions Bill (now the Act) finally completed its passage through the Houses of the Oireachtas (the Irish Parliament) last week and was signed into law by the President of Ireland today (31 October 2023).
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