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Legal Updates & Insights

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    The Mobility Directive finally implemented into Irish law

    Cross-border conversions and divisions of Irish limited liability companies now possible. In a radical change to Irish and EU company law, it is now possible for all Irish limited liability companies to migrate to other European Economic Area (EEA) countries while retaining their legal personality, and also to be divided into two or more companies across different EEA countries.

    Corporate & M&A
  • article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments – May 2023

    EU retail investment package (UCITS, AIFMD, PRIIPs), undue costs (UCITS, AIFMD updates), asset valuations, draft MoU with the UK on financial services, AIFMD Q&A, ETFs, SFDR Q&A, PRIIPs Q&A, ELTIFs, MiFID II and MIFIR, AML/CFT/Sanctions.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments – May 2023

    CBI speech on preventing financial crime, CBI speech on developing macroprudential regulation for Funds, speech by Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath, ETFs.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • article

    New EU directive: pay transparency under the spotlight

    The principle of equal pay for equal work has been around a long time, but lack of pay transparency has been identified by the European Commission as one of the key obstacles to its enforcement. Read more here.

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    HSBC Asset Management renames four index funds ahead of the launch of new ETF share classes

    Stephen Carson, partner, shares his insights with ETF Express on: HSBC Asset Management has announced the name changes of four HSBC Fixed Income index funds as it prepares to launch new ETF share classes, designed to provide investors with access to both listed and unlisted share classes through a single fund.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Double taxation and the role of the Irish Competent Authority – Advanced Pricing Agreements

    Double taxation and the role of the Irish Competent Authority – Advanced Pricing Agreements

    Multinational organisations with operations in Ireland are increasingly seeking greater certainty as regards matters of double taxation and the transfer pricing arrangements underpinning their cross-border arrangements. One avenue through which taxpayers can seek greater certainty is Advanced Pricing Agreements (or ‘APA’s).

    Tax Disputes & Enquiries
  • Double taxation – Correlative Adjustment

    Double taxation – Correlative Adjustment

    International double taxation may arise where two countries seek to tax the same transactions or activities and whilst double taxation agreements may, in principle, resolve these issues, double taxation may not be fully eliminated where two jurisdictions disagree on the basis for taxation.

    Tax Disputes & Enquiries
  • Double taxation and the role of the Irish Competent Authority – Mutual Agreement Procedure

    Double taxation and the role of the Irish Competent Authority – Mutual Agreement Procedure

    International double taxation may arise where two countries seek to tax the same transactions or activities and whilst double taxation agreements (DTA) may, in principle, resolve these issues, double taxation may not be fully eliminated where two jurisdictions disagree on the basis for taxation.

    Tax Disputes & Enquiries
  • Article

    Increased fines for nuisance calls in current draft of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

    In a bid to tackle unsolicited calls, the current draft of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will increase fines for nuisance calls and texts to GDPR and Data Protection Act levels, which is either 4% of global turnover or £17.5m, whichever is greater. Read more on the latest updates here.

  • publication

    Irish TAC Report 2022

    The Irish Tax Appeals Commission (TAC) has recently published its 2022 Annual Report providing an insight into the activities and trends in its area of responsibility. 2022 was a record-breaking year for the TAC in terms of number of appeals closed and number of hearings scheduled.

  • publication

    Reaching Ireland’s green hydrogen potential

    In the annual Hydrogen report, first published by eolas magazine this month, our Energy, Infrastructure & Natural Resources team team provide an insight into Ireland’s green hydrogen potential.

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    EBA standardises information requirements to support sales and transfers of non-performing loans in EU

    The EU Directive on credit servicers and credit purchasers (Directive (EU) 2021/2167) (the NPL Directive) was introduced by the EU as part of its strategy to reduce current levels of non-performing loans (NPLs) held by EU credit institutions, as well as introducing a harmonised EU-wide framework for NPL sellers, purchasers and servicers.

    Capital Markets - Debt