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    “Justice Best Served” – Data Subject Claims Stayed

    In a recent significant judgment1 from the Irish Circuit Court, the judge concluded that “justice is best served” by granting a stay of a data subject’s damages claim pending determination of certain preliminary references currently before the CJEU.

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    Hitting Refresh on the Regulation of Big Tech: A Guide to the EU’s Digital Markets Act

    The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a landmark piece of legislation designed to regulate the activities of large platforms and to enhance the contestability and fairness of the services they provide. From 2 May, platforms will be required to notify the European Commission where they meet specific financial and user thresholds.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    DSA: Commission issues guidance on the requirement to publish user numbers in the EU

    Yesterday, 01 February 2023, the Commission published guidance on how online platforms and search engines within the scope of the Digital Services Act (DSA) should comply with their obligation to report user numbers in the EU.

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    Update on the ATAD 3 ‘Unshell’ Directive: European Parliament approves draft Unshell Directive

    On 17 January 2023, the European Parliament voted to approve an amended version of the draft Unshell Directive. The Council of the European Union will now consider the European Parliament's amended proposals.

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    Payment and e-money update: Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) reaffirms supervisory expectations

    Throughout the last 12-months, the CBI has undertaken intense supervision of the payment and electronic money sector.

    Financial Regulation
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    IAF update: Report and final stages of the IAF Bill

    The IAF Bill is continuing to progress through the legislative process and, at yesterday's report and final stage before the Dáil, consideration was given to four typographical amendments, all of which were agreed.

    ESG & Sustainability
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    Regulatory update: Central Bank of Ireland’s financial regulation and supervisory priorities for 2023

    In a recent letter to the Minister for Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI), Gabriel Makhlouf, sets out the CBI's financial regulation and supervisory priorities for 2023 (Priorities). 

    Financial Regulation
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    Payment & e-money update: Central Bank of Ireland reaffirms supervisory expectations

    Throughout the last 12-months, the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) has undertaken intense supervision of the payment and electronic money (e-money) sector.

    Financial Regulation
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    Regulatory update: Central Bank of Ireland’s (CBI) financial regulation and supervisory priorities for 2023

    In a recent letter to the Minister for Finance, the Governor of the CBI Gabriel Makhlouf, sets out the CBI's financial regulation and supervisory priorities for 2023 (Priorities). 

    Financial Regulation
  • Article

    New Year, New Guidance on Holiday Pay? UK Supreme Court’s decision in PSNI v Agnew and others eagerly awaited

    The much debated holiday pay case of Agnew has finally been heard by the Supreme Court, with a decision expected to follow in early 2023.

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    Coimisiún na Meán to be designated as Competent Authority under the EU Terrorist Content Online Regulation

    Coimisiún na Meán (the Media Commission), is currently in the process of being established in accordance with the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act (OSMR). Further information on its establishment and the appointment of the first four commissioners to Coimisiún na Meán can be read here.

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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments – January 2023

    SFDR/Taxonomy, EU Ecolabel, Cross-border notifications, CSRD, PRIIPs, Gender balance, SPACs, Brexit, MMFs, EMIR, EU-US Data Privacy framework, DORA, Costs/performance of EU retail investment products, ESMA strategy and work programme, AML/CFT/Sanctions.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds