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    Electric vehicles – the future of energy supply?

    Octopus Energy and the National Grid Electricity System Operator (National Grid ESO) have successfully trialled the use of electric vehicles (EV) to assist with balancing the demands of Britain's power system.

    ESG & Sustainability
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    Trends and developments in aviation finance and leasing in Ireland 2022

    In the annual Chambers Aviation Finance & Leasing 2022 Global Practice Guide, our Aviation & Transport Finance team provide an insight into trends and developments in Ireland.

    Aviation & Transport Finance
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments – September 2022

    Additional SFDR queries for the EU Commission, ESMA's TRV, ESAs' report on risks and vulnerabilities, Wolfsberg Group guidance on RFI best practice, EBA newsletter on AML/CFT.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments – September 2022

    UCITS amending regulations (No 2 of 2022), CBI financial stability note on climate risks in the financial system, CBI levies.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds August 2022

    In domestic news, the CBI is implementing changes to its beneficial ownership register for Certain Financial Vehicles (CFV). The changes involve the verification of information submitted and are expected to come into effect in Q4 2022.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance August 2022

    In domestic news, on 3 August 2022, the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) published its Consultation Paper on proposed Guidance for (Re)Insurance Undertakings on Climate Change (the Guidance).

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral August 2022

    In domestic news, on 9 August 2022, the CBI published guidance notes on the outsourcing register template for each of the following sectors: markets firms or regulated financial service providers (RFSPs), payments and e-money institutions, insurance and reinsurance undertakings, and less significant institutions.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms August 2022

    In domestic news, on 9 August 2022, the CBI published guidance notes on the outsourcing register template for markets firms or regulated financial service providers (RFSPs). The guidance notes set out the CBI's expectations for firm's recording of relevant outsourcing arrangements and reporting of outsourcing to the CBI.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Banking August 2022

    In domestic news, on 24 August 2022, the CBI announced that the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) rate on Irish exposures is to be maintained at 0.5%. The 0.5% rate will take effect in June 2023.

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    New registration requirement for overseas companies owning UK property

    The United Kingdom's Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 (ECA) came into force on 1 August 2022 (see our previous article).

    Corporate Governance & Compliance
  • publication

    Foreign direct investment screening in Ireland – key features of the Screening of Third Country Investments Bill 2022

    The landscape of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Ireland will be changed significantly by the Screening of Third Country Investments Bill 2022 (the Bill), which introduces an investment screening mechanism in Ireland for the first time.

    Corporate & M&A
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    European Commission adopts Second Report on the EU Foreign Direct Investment Regime

    The European Union (EU) has been developing a sophisticated Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening regime. This FDI screening regime revolves around Regulation 2019/452.

    EU, Competition & Procurement