We take a look at the case of Paula Reid v Teagasc, the contrasting decisions of the WRC and Labour Court, and set out the key takeaways for employers. Additionally, we highlight the steps employers need to take to prepare for the implementation of the Directive.
EmploymentIn this publication, we identify the key energy policy and regulatory developments from May – September 2024.
Energy & Natural ResourcesA number of financial market representative bodies recently issued a joint statement in which they call on ESAs to clarify that regulated financial services should not be treated as ‘ICT services’ for the purpose of DORA.
DORAThe long-awaited Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 now completed its 20-month passage through the Irish parliamentary process.
Betting, Gaming & LicensingIn this article, we look at the incident reporting obligations that apply to in-scope entities under Head 15 of the Scheme, which largely mirrors Article 23 of NIS2.
TechnologyWhat does the first WRC decision on the right to request remote working mean for employers? Michael Doyle and Triona Sugrue from our Employment law team discuss this recent landmark decision and the latest trends and updates in this podcast.
EmploymentIn recent weeks, organisations worldwide have been taking the opportunity to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace in recognition of World Mental Health Day and as part of Suicide Prevention Month in September.
EmploymentThe Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) recently determined that a Galway-based Brazilian national was unfairly dismissed from her employment as a fashion buyer while awaiting her visa renewal.
EmploymentThe Irish Finance Bill implementing the measures announced in the Budget early this month and some unannounced changes was published late last week.
TaxThe Planning and Development Bill 2023 was passed by the Dáil last night and replaces the Planning and Development Act 2000, and the vast amount of legislation that has amended it since.
Environmental & PlanningMergers, acquisitions and certain joint ventures in the maritime/shipping sector require pre-clearance on competition grounds by the European Commission before they may be implemented. Read more.
EU, Competition & ProcurementIn total, spending measures of €8.3bn were announced. We have highlighted the key updates and how any of these changes may affect your business. Read more here.