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Legal Updates & Insights

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    Employment Law in 2022: What’s on the horizon?

    While it is safe to say that 2021 saw some important developments in employment law, there is no doubt that in 2022 we are set to see some real changes.

  • article

    Proposed new Irish laws: Competition, communications and consumer law

    Ireland's Department of An Taoiseach (the Irish Prime Minister) has prepared its Spring 2022 Legislative Programme.

  • publication

    Review of Irish merger control in 2021

    Mergers, acquisitions and certain joint ventures are notified to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) which determines whether the proposed transaction would “substantially lessen competition" in Ireland.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Ireland to unveil new Competition law

    On 20 January 2022, the Irish Deputy Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, told Dáil Éireann – the more powerful of Ireland's two houses of parliament – that Ireland will publish new competition legislation during the week of 24 January 2022.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Online Safety & Media Regulation Bill 2022

    The government has published the long anticipated Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2022 which it has hailed as a “watershed moment as we move from self-regulation to an era of accountability in online safety”.

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    Changes at Ireland’s Competition and Consumer Agency

    The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is Ireland's primary competition and consumer protection agency.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Public procurement law - Automatic injunctions

    In public procurement competitions, there is potential for a legal challenge from an unsuccessful bidder to trigger an automatic injunction on awarding the contract.

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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds Dec 2021

    Domestically, the CBI has published the 36th Edition of its UCITS Q&A Document and the 44th Edition of AIFMD Q&A Document; At a European level, ESMA responded to a letter from the Commission on the use of reverse solicitation, the effective date of the Level 2 regulatory technical standards for SFDR has been delayed

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance Dec 2021

    Domestically, the Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2021 was published and the CBI published the opening statement at Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform; At a European level EIOPA announced its sustainable finance activities for 2022 – 2024, EIOPA launched a pilot exercise on climate change adaptation in non-life underwriting and pricing

    Insurance & Reinsurance
  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral Dec 2021

    Domestically, the CBI published its cross industry guidance on operational resilience and feedback statement, published its cross industry guidance on outsourcing and feedback statement; At a European level, the EBA published a consultation paper on draft regulatory technical standards for crowdfunding service providers, Christine Lagarde delivered welcoming remarks at the Fifth Annual Conference

    Financial Regulation
  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms Dec 2021

    Domestically, the CBI issued a "Dear CEO" Letter addressed to MiFID authorised firms and credit institutions offering MiFID investment services; At European level the EBA published consultation papers on RTS and guidelines on liquidity requirements for investment firms, ESMA issued Guidelines on methodology

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Banking Dec 2021

    Domestically, the CBI issued a "Dear CEO" letter to payment and e-money firms, and commenced a public consultation into the next phase of mortgage measure framework review; At European level, the EBA issued a report on the application of guidelines on the remuneration of sales staff, the ECB published its supervisory priorities for 2022 – 2024, and the EBA published a revised guide to "fit and pro

    Financial Regulation