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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Insurance Aug 2021

    Domestically, the Central Bank of Ireland publishes Regulatory Service Standards Performance Report; At European level, the Legislation forming part of the European Commission's work on sustainable finance published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Financial Regulation
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Investment Firms Aug 2021

    Domestically, the CBI issued a Feedback Statement on the consultation on enhancements to the CBI Client Asset Requirements; At European level, the EBA published its review on the prudential assessment of qualifying holdings, updated the mapping between the ITS on Pillar 3 disclosures and the ITS on supervisory reporting.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - General Cross Sectoral Aug 2021

    Domestically, the Governor of the CBI, Gabriel Makhlouf gave an interview discussing economic recovery after the COVID pandemic; At European level, the EBA is holding a consultation on the new Guidelines on AML/CFT Compliance Officers and published its AML/CFT Newsletter.

  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Banking Aug 2021

    Domestically, the CBI announced the appointment of a new Director of Consumer Protection; At European level, the EBA published the outcome for banks that participated in the 2021 EBA EU-wide stress test and published amended technical standards on resolution planning reporting.

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    Legal action ‘very difficult’ for staff who fall sick in the office

    Many of State’s biggest employers to demand staff attend office at least some of the time

  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments - Aug 2021

    UCITS/AIFMD integration of sustainability, UCITS KIID/PRIIPs KID, sustainability disclosures delay, SFDR Q&A, LIBOR, MMFR, EU Taxonomy "beyond green", EU Social Taxonomy, AML/ CTF: compliance officer/ governance consultation

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    AIF and UCITS integration of sustainability risks and factors

    Legislative measures requiring integration of sustainability factors and sustainability risks into UCITS and AIFMD regimes will apply from 1 August 2022.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments - Aug 2021

    Crypto-assets, CBI deadlines, CBDF, MMFs, Markets Updates, Beneficial Ownership

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Government to investigate ‘greenwashing’ in retail energy

    As detailed in our alert in June 'greenwashing' is receiving increasing government scrutiny. The act of 'greenwashing' occurs whereby businesses make false or misleading claims regarding the environmental soundness of their product or service in an attempt to capitalise on the growing demand for environmentally sound products.

    ESG & Sustainability
  • Comparison between AXA and FBD COVID-19 cases

    Comparison between AXA and FBD COVID-19 cases

    In our latest publication, we compare two recent Irish High Court decisions; Hyper Trust Limited v FBD Insurance [2021] IEHC 78 (FBD) and Brushfield Limited v Arachas Corporate Brokers Limited and AXA Insurance DAC [2021] IEHC 263 (AXA).

  • publication

    The Individual Accountability Framework and SEAR – A guide to what you need to know and what next

    The introduction of the Senior Executive Accountability Regime and broader Individual Accountability Framework will be one of the most impactful regulatory changes of recent years.  The recent publication of the General Scheme for the legislation gives a good indication of what will be expected of regulated firms and individuals within them. 

    Financial Regulation
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    Alert to businesses - Non-notifiable acquisitions increasingly at risk of EU review - the European Commission’s recent guidance and implications for merger control in Ireland

    On 26 March 2021, the European Commission (Commission) published a Staff Working Document summarising the findings of an evaluation (Evaluation) of procedural and jurisdictional aspects of the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 (i.e. the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR)).

    EU, Competition & Procurement