In a welcome decision delivered on 1 November 2024, in Toole & Anor -v- Minister for Housing Local Government and Heritage [2024] IEHC 610, the High Court (the Court) (Humphreys J) refused to grant an order of certiorari by way of judicial review.
Environmental & PlanningThe President has signed the Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Act 2024 into law, with the parts relating to postponing maternity leave and NDAs requiring commencement orders to take effect. This briefing outlines the details of these changes and their implications.
EmploymentIn the recent Financier Worldwide – ESG WorldWatch, Jill Shaw joins experts from across the globe to provide insights into ESG related trends and developments globally.
ESG & SustainabilityESMA 2025 work programme, ESA 2025 work programme, T+1 next steps, ELTIF 2.0 RTS.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDeadlines, CBI speech on ETFs, CBI filings, enhancements to tax regime for financial services and asset management sectors, MiFID II marketing communications, Irish Funds Sector 2030, CBI speech on retail investors, CBI markets updates.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a judgement in Land Hessen (C-768/21) on 26 September, confirming that in the event of a personal data breach, supervisory authorities are not obliged to exercise their corrective powers, (such as imposing an administrative fine) as a matter of course.
TechnologyDomestically, the CBI published a consultation on the implementation of the Consumer Credit Directive 2. At European level, financial institutions fulfil DORA requirements relating to thread led penetration testing.
Financial Regulation AdvisoryAt European level, ESMA announces next steps for the selection of consolidated tape providers.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the CBI published an Insurance Quarterly Newsletter and Q3 Insurance Corporation Statistics. At European level, EIOPA published an article on 3 September 2024 responding to the Climate Resilience Dialogue’s final report.
FinanceDomestically, the CBI issued an update regarding CBI filing requirements for UCITS making filings when updating fund documentation in order to comply with OFR guidance. At European level, Ms. Verena Ross, chairperson of ESMA delivered a speech on EU capital markets.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the CBI published an addendum to the CCMA. At European level, the EBA updated the Single Rulebook Q&A with responses in relation to CRR and PDS2 and launched an EU wide transparency exercise for 2024.
FinanceIn a decision delivered on 25 October 2024, the Circuit Court determined the rent for Bewley’s Café Grafton Street Limited renewed lease of its iconic flagship store on Grafton Street.