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Legal Updates & Insights

  • publication

    When should employers use a licensed gangmaster? - Understanding the Gangmaster (Licensing) Act 2004

    Employers within the food production or fresh produce sector should be cautious when using a recruitment agency to supply workers.The Gangmaster (Licensing) Act 2004 established the Gangmaster and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA).

    Employment & Incentives Belfast
  • COVID-19 economic recovery plan

    COVID-19 economic recovery plan

    The government recently announced a new Economic Recovery Plan (the Plan). The Plan outlines a pathway for the resumption of economic activity and a sustainable jobs-led recovery.

  • COVID-19 related extensions to planning permissions

    COVID-19 related extensions to planning permissions

    The Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 is being expedited through the legislative process. It will provide for extensions to a number of time limits, including for the passing of development plans. Importantly however it will also allow for extensions, or additional extensions, to existing planning permissions to allow projects be completed.

  • publication

    Skilled migrant workers in the NI tech sector – Attracting and retaining highly skilled workers within the tech sector in NI

    2020 was another great year for the tech sector in Northern Ireland and 2021 has started positively however there still remains a deficit of skilled workers.

    Employment & Incentives Belfast
  • Article

    European Commission publishes finalised SCCs

    The European Commission has published its final Implementing Decision on new standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries.

  • article

    Government publishes Summer Legislation Programme

    The Government has published its legislation programme for Summer 2021. We have set out below the status of key Bills of relevance to the data protection, commercial and technology sector.

  • article

    High Court rejects procedural challenge against DPC’s inquiry into EU-US data transfers

    The High Court, in a 197-page judgment, has dismissed a legal challenge against a decision by the Data Protection Commission (DPC).

  • article

    DPC completes statutory inquiry into suspected interference with role of DPO

    The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has completed its ‘own volition’ inquiry into whether the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection interfered with the role of its Data Protection Officer (DPO).

  • article

    New remuneration rules

    New regulatory technical standards (RTS) on remuneration are now in place under the Capital Requirements Directive from 14 June 2021, while certain investment firms will remain subject to the previous remuneration rules until 26 June 2021. In this article, our remuneration specialists take a look at the key provisions.

    Corporate & M&A
  • article

    Guide to Fitness and Probity Interviews

    Under the fitness and probity (F&P) regime the Central Bank of Ireland acts as a 'gatekeeper' for certain key roles in financial services.

    Financial Regulation
  • article

    White Collar Crime: Proposed modernisation of the Irish criminal justice system – will the promised efficiencies be realised?

    Reform of the Irish criminal justice system, through the actions outlined in the Government's Action Plan to tackle White Collar Crime and the Justice Plan 2021, has gathered pace in recent weeks with the announcement two significant changes to the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences.

    White Collar Crime
  • COVID-19 update on trends and developments for Debt Capital Markets

    COVID-19 update on trends and developments for Debt Capital Markets

    The economic forecast for the debt capital markets in Ireland during the next 12 months is considerably more positive than it has been since the COVID-19 outbreak escalated to become a global pandemic in the early months of 2020. 

    Capital Markets - Debt