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    Maritime Area Planning Bill advances

    The Maritime Area Planning Bill (the MAP Bill) continues its progress through the Irish legislature. It has now completed the "second stage" in the Dáil (lower house), which involved debate on the general principles of the Bill. 

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    WhatsApp decision considers scope of transparency obligations under the GDPR

    The DPC recently fined WhatsApp €225m for failing to discharge its transparency obligations under the GDPR.

  • Article

    CMA issues guidance to companies and warning that it is getting tough on “greenwashing”

    In June we released an update regarding the UK's competition and consumer law regulator, the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA), issuing draft consumer protection law guidance following its investigation into misleading environmental claims, a process known as "greenwashing".

    ESG & Sustainability
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    The Corporate Enforcement Authority Bill

    It took almost three years, but the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2021 (the Bill) was finally published earlier this month.

  • publication

    Local producers - a new category of liquor licence

    On 26 August 2021 a Bill aimed at modernising Northern Ireland’s liquor licensing laws received Royal Assent.

    Betting, Gaming & Liquor Licensing Belfast
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    EU Commission guidance - climate proofing infrastructure

    Commission adopts new guidance on how to climate-proof future infrastructure projects.

    Environmental & Planning
  • publication

    Are your environmental claims sustainable?

    Businesses everywhere are facing significant pressure from customers and investors to reduce their environmental impact. Many are responding to this demand by making significant changes to the way they source and manufacture products and deliver services.

  • article

    Applications can now be made for COVID related extensions to planning permissions

    The Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Act 2021 was expedited through the legislative process in June and July 2021 and was signed by the President on 10 July 2021.

    Environmental & Planning
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    An extension of PPE to all workers?

    Changes to Great Britain's health and safety regulations in the workplace are on the horizon. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently concluded a consultation on proposed changes to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (the PPE Regulations).

    Health & Safety
  • audio

    The Corporate Enforcement Authority: New corporate watchdog set to be created within months

    On 3 September 2021, the Government published the long-anticipated Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill.

    White Collar Crime
  • publication

    Liquor Licensing Reforms: Extended trading hours and the removal of restrictions at Easter

    Northern Ireland's liquor licensing legislation has undergone significant reform with the Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill 2021 receiving Royal Assent on 26 August 2021.

    Betting, Gaming & Liquor Licensing Belfast
  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds Aug 2021

    Domestically, the CBI issued details of its deadlines for investment funds seeking authorisation/ approval prior to year-end; At European level, the European Commission adopted and published two 'quick-fix' proposals to amend the PRIIPs Regulation and to amend the UCITS Directive.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds