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A guide to arbitration places (GAP) - Ireland

Disputes & Investigations

A guide to arbitration places (GAP) - Ireland

Fri 23 Aug 2024

10 min read

Sarah Murphy, partner and Nadia Skelton, associate from ALG's Disputes & Investigations Group have authored the Irish chapter of the Delos Dispute Resolution Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP).

The guide is designed to assist in-house counsel, corporate lawyers and arbitration practitioners with efficiently accessing key insights into a large range of jurisdictions, including for the purposes of negotiating the choice of arbitral seats and conducting arbitral proceedings in those jurisdictions. 

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For further information in relation to this topic, please contact Sarah Murphy,  Nadia Skelton or any member of our Disputes & Investigations Group.

Date published: 23 August 2024

Please note this chapter was first published by Delos Dispute Resolution.

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