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Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments – July 2024

Asset Management & Investment Funds

Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments – July 2024

Deadlines, F&P report, CBI authorisations and gatekeeping report, macroprudential policy for investment funds, IAF Q&As, CBI speeches.

Tue 30 Jul 2024

11 min read


The above list does not cover:

By way of example, the Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 obliges UCITS investment companies and AIF investment companies to file annual accounts with the CRO within eleven months of their financial year-end.

Independent review of the CBI’s Fitness and Probity regime

The Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) published the independent review of its Fitness and Probity (F&P) regime. The review was undertaken by Mr Andrea Enria, the former Chair of the ECB Supervisory Board. The review concludes that the conduct of the F&P regime at the CBI is broadly in line with peer regulators in different jurisdictions.

The review proposes a number of targeted improvements which the CBI plan to implement by the end of the year. We can therefore expect the CBI to significantly enhance the F&P regime, including the following.

Other recommendations concern CBI decision making, communications (including an annual information session for firms and potential candidates and workshops to obtain feedback), withdrawals/ feedback, management information, quality assurance, a complaints procedure and training.

You can read more here.

CBI Authorisations and Gatekeeping Report

The CBI issued its first "Authorisations and Gatekeeping Report", Edition 1. The report will be of practical assistance to applicant firms navigating the authorisation process. The report sets out CBI’s expectations and recommendations including its experience of authorisation timeline influencers. The report:

The report provides data on the authorisations landscape and gives an overview of F&P applications and timelines.  

The CBI points out that it has identified the value of active and constructive engagement with both industry and other stakeholders. It points to a step change in the CBI’s external engagement with industry and stakeholders in relation to the authorisation process.

CBI feedback to its discussion paper on macroprudential policy for investment funds

The CBI published a feedback statement to its discussion paper on an approach to macroprudential policy for investment funds.

The feedback statement summarises:

Next steps for progressing this policy agenda will take place in co-ordination with international counterparts. Progress will proceed at different speeds and will require different forms of engagement, including with a range of international and domestic stakeholders, depending on the issue being addressed. As such, and in line with the principle that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to the funds sector is not appropriate, progress in developing and operationalising the macroprudential lens in the oversight of the funds sector will occur across a number of different dimensions over the coming years. CBI areas of focus are set out below.

CBI press release is here.

CBI Q&As on the Individual Accountability Framework

The CBI published answers to questions about the Individual Accountability Framework (IAF) asked by stakeholders (Q&A). The answers are to be read with other CBI publications, including the Guidance on the IAF,  Administrative Sanctions Procedure Guidelines and the Fitness and Probity regime. The questions and answers will be integrated into the IAF guidance when it is updated. 

 Key takeaways: 

CBI speech on regulatory change - Patricia Dunne, CBI Director of Securities and Markets Supervision

Patricia Dunne, CBI Director of Securities and Markets Supervision delivered a speech on regulatory change. Items discussed included the below.  

Loan origination - CBI is working with industry on the new AIFMD provisions on loan-originating funds. The CBI intends to align its rules on loan origination with those proposed under AIFMD II. This will result in significant changes to CBI’s existing rules - including removing the “single purpose rule” requirement and mixed strategy funds will be able to originate loans for the first time. Furthermore, funds which originate loans will be available both to retail and professional investors. A formal consultation on the CBI framework for loan originating funds is expected in Q4 2024. 

Regulatory reporting and LMTs - in terms of implementing AIFMD II and its updates to the UCITS Directive (including enhanced reporting for AIFMs and UCITS management companies and a harmonised set of liquidity management tools (LMTs), the CBI hopes that because its rules already provide for a full suite of LMTs as well as there being familiarity with AIFMD Annex IV reporting, that the work to be done is more an adaptation of existing requirements.

Liquidity management - a public consultation on CBI’s regulatory requirements is planned for later in 2024. 

Delegation of portfolio and risk management - this will require extensive reporting, both at authorisation and on an ongoing basis. Ms Dunne noted that the CBI is currently undertaking thematic work in this area.

CBI is heavily involved in ESMA workstreams in developing level 2 measures and is considering changes to its regulatory rules to reflect the enhancements made and any consequential changes.

CBI speech on implementing DORA (operational resilience) - remarks by Director Gerry Cross

CBI Director Gerry Cross delivered a speech on the theme of implementing the Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) which will apply from 17 January 2025. Gerry Cross is also Chair of the European Supervisory Authorities sub-committee on Digital Operational Resilience. DORA includes a regulation and a directive on digital operational resilience in the financial sector. It requires a wide range of financial entities to manage their information and communication technology (ICT) in a robust and effective way.

For more information on these topics please contact any member of A&L Goodbody's Asset Management & Investment Funds team.