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Budget 2025: Key takeaways for businesses


Budget 2025: Key takeaways for businesses

Budget 2025 was presented to Dáil Éireann, the Irish parliament, today, Tuesday 1 October by the Minister for Finance.

Tue 01 Oct 2024

6 min read

This is the fifth and final Budget of the current government and, following another year of budget surplus funded principally by excess corporation tax receipts, there has been much anticipation as to how these funds would be spent in advance of the as yet unannounced election.

In total, spending measures of €8.3bn were announced. While changes to income tax provisions had received the majority of the media attention in the lead up to the Budget, there are a number of significant measures of interest for the business community.

We have highlighted below the key updates from today's announcements and will be watching closely to see how these are implemented in the Finance Bill, which is due to be published next week, and which itself may include further unannounced measures.

Corporation tax: new participation exemption for foreign dividends

The long-awaited dividend participation exemption for foreign dividends has been formally announced and will come into effect from 1 January 2025. This change will be very welcome for those companies that are in receipt of foreign dividends and currently have to navigate the existing, highly complex, tax credit system.

The Department of Finance has recently run two consultation processes, which give insight into the detailed provisions we will expect to see in the Finance Bill next week:

The limited geographic scope of the exemption was raised by multiple respondents to the feedback statements. While it seems like that this limitation will be included in the legislation, the Minister has committed to giving this further consideration in line with the ongoing implementation of the OECD Pillar Two measures.

The Minister also announced that an exemption for foreign branch profits will be considered next year.

Measures to encourage stock exchange listings

The Irish Stock Exchange has seen a number of companies move their listings to the US recently and there have been calls for policy measures to encourage further listing activity in Ireland.

The Minister has proposed a new measure giving relief for expenses incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of an initial listing on a recognised stock exchange in Ireland or another EU/EEA state. This will be subject to an overall cap of €1m and will apply to successful listings completed on or after 1 January 2025.

The Minister also mentioned in his speech that in the coming year a Stamp Duty exemption would be introduced, subject to obtaining State aid approval. No further details have been provided on this so the scope of this exemption is, as of yet, unknown.

Tax incentives for businesses

A number of existing tax incentives have been expanded and or extended:

Property taxes

Other relevant measures

Other measures announced which may be of relevance include:

If you would like to discuss how any of these changes may affect your business, please contact any member of the A&L Goodbody's Tax team.

Date published: 1 October 2024

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