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As the final step of its review of the Consumer Protection Code 2012 (Code), the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) has today published its Feedback Statement following last year’s public consultation on draft Regulations and Guidance documents to revise and replace the Code from 24 March 2026.
The Feedback Statement was accompanied by publication of the final Regulations and Guidance documents, namely:
Our dedicated Consumer Protection Code team is reviewing the changes in the final Regulations and Guidance and will publish an updated version of our detailed Guide to the Consumer Protection Code reforms shortly (ALG’s previous Guide from last year’s consultation can be found here).
In the meantime, we set out a ‘day 1’ view of the key changes in the final Regulations and Guidance documents compared with the draft versions that were published as part of the Central Bank’s consultation.
Standards for Business Regulations
The substance of the Standards for Business Regulations is unchanged. However, the Regulations have been amended to provide clarification on their scope and application.
Consumer Protection Regulations
The Central Bank has made a number of amendments, refinements and clarifications to the Consumer Protection Regulations. For example:
Guidance on Securing Customers' Interests
The Guidance on Securing Customers’ Interests has been updated. For example, it now also includes:
Guidance on Protecting Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances
The Guidance on Protecting Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances has been updated to include additional guidance on:
General Guidance on the Consumer Protection Code
The new General Guidance on the Consumer Protection Code introduces guidance on a number of areas, including for example, unregulated activities, informing effectively, financial abuse, sustainability preferences, disclosure of fees and commissions, digitalisation, advertising, errors and complaints handling and proposed closure, change or merging of bank branches.
Next steps
The Regulations and Guidance introduce significant changes to the Code to modernise, clarify and strengthen consumer protections amidst the changing financial services landscape.
They will apply from 24 March 2026, allowing for a 12-month implementation period during which firms will need to assess and action changes required to comply with the new and enhanced requirements.
For more information and how ALG can assist your business, please contact Dario Dagostino, Partner, Patrick Brandt, Partner, Mark Devane, Partner, Chloe Culleton, Partner, Ciarán Rogers, Partner, Laura Mulleady, Partner, Sinéad Lynch, Partner, Laura Corrigan, Senior Associate, Ciara Brady, Senior Associate, Louise Hogan, Senior Associate Sarah Lee, Senior Knowledge Lawyer, or your usual ALG contact.
Date published: 24 March 2025