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European Commission confirms DORA does not apply to bank third-country branches

Financial Regulation Advisory

European Commission confirms DORA does not apply to bank third-country branches

The EBA Single Rulebook for DORA has been updated with a new question and answer relating to the applicability of DORA to EU branches of credit institutions that are headquartered outside of the EU (referred to as ‘third-country branches’).

Tue 30 Jul 2024

1 min read

The EBA Single Rulebook for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has been updated with a new question and answer relating to the applicability of DORA to EU branches of credit institutions that are headquartered outside of the EU (referred to as ‘third-country branches’).

The new answer, which was prepared by the European Commission because it is a matter of interpretation of EU law, confirms that DORA “applies to EU credit institutions and not third-country branches”.

For further information in relation to this topic, please contact Patrick Brandt, Partner, Ciara Brady, Senior Associate, Louise Hogan, Senior Associate, Sarah Lee, Senior Knowledge Lawyer or any member of ALG's Financial Regulation Advisory team.

Date published: 30 July 2024

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