Financial Services Regulation and Compliance - Funds August 2022
CBI's Beneficial Ownership Register for CFVs
The CBI is implementing changes to its beneficial ownership register for Certain Financial Vehicles (CFV). The changes involve the verification of information submitted and are expected to come into effect in Q4 2022.
ESMA UCITS and AIFMD Q&As - delegation, depositaries, reconciliations
ESMA published Q&As for UCITS and AIFMD with updates on delegation, depositaries, reconciliations . The answers were provided by the European Commission.
The long awaited Commission Delegated Regulation containing 13 Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) was published in the EU’s Official Journal. The RTS apply from 1 January 2023.
PAIs under SFDR
The ESAs published the first annual report on the extent of voluntary disclosure of principal adverse impact under SFDR, including some useful examples of best practice.
Sanctions imposed in response to the crisis in the Ukraine
Since February, the EU imposed a number of sanctions in response to the crisis in the Ukraine. Given that the crisis is developing and sanctions are continuing to evolve, the CBI is publishing details of new restrictive measures/sanctions that are adopted in this regard, as well as any associated EU/UN guidance, on their dedicated webpage.
For more information on these topics please contact any member of A&L Goodbody's Asset Management & Investment Funds team.
Date published: 14 September 2022