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Investment firms to consider the findings of CBI review of MiFID marketing and advertising requirements

Financial Regulation Advisory

Investment firms to consider the findings of CBI review of MiFID marketing and advertising requirements

The CBI recently issued a Dear CEO Letter to the investment firms’ industry outlining the findings from a thematic review of compliance with marketing and advertising requirements.

Fri 25 Oct 2024

4 min read

The Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) recently issued a Dear CEO Letter to the investment firms’ industry outlining the findings from a thematic review of compliance with marketing and advertising requirements. Many of the deficiencies identified in the letter relate to advertising content, governance framework and outsourcing arrangements. The letter also sets out specific actions that all Irish-authorised firms providing investment services to retail clients should undertake by the end of January 2025.  


The review, which was part of a common supervisory action (CSA) coordinated by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), assessed a sample of Irish investment firms’ and credit institutions’ compliance with the marketing and advertising requirements in the European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565. The review focused on these requirements in the context of the provision of investment services to retail clients only.

The CBI also conducted a ‘mystery shopping exercise’, complementing the CSA, that sought to understand how retail investors engage with marketing and advertising content published by firms. The CBI’s findings from the mystery shopping exercise are outlined in a recently published Consumer Research Bulletin.


The CBI has set out its detailed findings under specific themes, together with examples of good practices and specific expectations which firms should consider. The themes and a summary of the deficiencies identified by the CBI are set out below.

Marketing and advertising content not clearly identifiable as such:

Deficiencies in published marketing and advertising content:

Poor governance and controls:

Outsourcing arrangements:

Monitoring of published content and compliance function review:

Identification of target audience:

Actions for all firms to take

The CBI has requested all investment firms, credit institutions and fund management companies providing MiFID services to retail clients to undertake specific actions. They must review their current marketing and advertising practices against the findings, good practice examples and expectations outlined in the Dear CEO Letter and the findings in ESMA’s report on the CSA. The review must be documented and include details of actions taken to address the findings of the CBI and ESMA. The review should be completed, and an action plan discussed and approved by the board, by 31 January 2025, with the minutes of the board meeting reflecting the discussions and approval of the board.

The CBI emphasised that, in general, it is the board’s responsibility to ensure that robust governance, internal control and oversight arrangements are in place, and that sufficient resources are deployed, to ensure that the firm can demonstrate its compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements on a continuous basis.

For further information on any matters discussed in this briefing or to discuss how we can assist your firm with conducting a review of its current marketing and advertising practices, please contact Patrick Brandt, Partner, Ciara Brady, Senior Associate, Louise Hogan, Senior Associate, Sarah Lee, Senior Knowledge Lawyer or any member of ALG's Financial Regulation Advisory team. 

Date published: 25 October 2024

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