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Irish gambling regulatory form approaches final furlong

Betting, Gaming & Licensing

Irish gambling regulatory form approaches final furlong

The enactment of the Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 now appears imminent.

Fri 17 May 2024

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The enactment of the Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 (the Bill) now appears imminent. After a nine month effective pause in the legislative process, a number of key amendments have been made to the Bill. These amendments primarily focus on advertising restrictions (now refined to some degree) and inducements (where a proposed ban has been tempered significantly).

The Bill has been before the Oireachtas (Irish parliament) three times in the last three weeks and the Seanad (senate/upper house) Committee Stage is scheduled for Tuesday 21 May – the seventh of ten stages. While further amendments have been flagged, these are likely to be mostly technical and it is reasonable to expect that they will be dealt with quickly. This means that there is now the realistic potential of the Bill becoming law within a matter of weeks. Operators will undoubtedly require a lead-in period to get licensed and to comply with the Bill’s requirements, but further clarity is awaited on the specifics attending such ‘transitional arrangements’.


It has been almost 18 months since the Bill was published on 2 December 2022. Once enacted, this long-awaited legislation will overhaul the regulation of gambling in Ireland, repealing antiquated statutes dating back to 1931 and 1956, and replacing them with a modern licensing and regulatory regime.

This will be overseen by a newly established gambling regulator, the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland (GRAI) with comprehensive powers to supervise compliance with Irish gambling regulations and to take appropriate enforcement action where necessary. For a summary of the Bill’s key provisions, see our previous briefing here.

The Bill and its reforms are being driven by James Browne TD, Minister of State at the Department of Justice. While it was originally hoped that the Bill would be enacted by the end of 2023, this timeline slipped. Work was, however, underway in the background on a number of proposed amendments which were finally published on 23 April 2024. Since then, the last three weeks have seen a sustained focus on finalising the legislation. It has now passed through the first house of parliament (the Dáil) and is making its way through the second house (the Seanad). It is expected to be scheduled again for Committee Stage on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 – effectively the seventh of ten stages in the legislative process, one of the stages at which further amendments can be proposed.

Key changes adopted during Dáil Report Stage

While a number of aspects of the Bill have been subject to adverse commentary and intensive lobbying by various interest groups, there are two key areas in respect of which significant changes were made to the Bill’s original provisions during the Dáil Report Stage. These relate to (i) the restrictions on advertising gambling; and (ii) the ability of licence holders to offer ‘inducements’ to players.

Restrictions on advertising


What’s next?

If you require specific advice on any of the changes coming down the tracks, please contact Katie O'Connor, Partner, Joe Kelly, Partner, Denise Daly Byrne, Senior Associate, Laura Quinn, Associate, or any member of ALG's Betting, Gaming & Licensing team.

Date published: 17 May 2024

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