A&L Goodbody advises on ‘Deals of the Year 2016’

Pictured from L to R: Berni Hosty, Partner, Corporate/M&A, Ronan Lyons, Partner, Corporate/M&A, Gearoid Stanley, Partner, Banking & Finance, Sheena Doggett, Partner, Corporate/M&A, Catherine Duffy, Partner, Banking & Finance, Peter Walker Partner, Banking & Finance, and Charlie Carroll Partner, Corporate/M&A
A&L Goodbody advised on 12 of the winning deals across six categories in "Deals of the Year 2016" published by Finance Dublin.
29 winning deals were announced this year, ten more than 2015. This is a significant increase and reflects the upsurge in market activity and subsequent growth and confidence in the Irish economy. Having advised on a large share of these 'winning deals', A&L Goodbody further demonstrates its strong position at the forefront of a broad range of corporate deals in Ireland, from the complex international deals to the specialist industry transactions.
The winning categories and deals on which A&L Goodbody advised include:
1. Reverse Merger and Redomicilation: Medtronic plc
2. Mid Market M&A: 9 Story Media Group Acquisition of Brown Bag Films
3. Equity Capital Markets Deal of the Year: permanent tsb programme
4. Initial Public Offering: Malin plc
5. Debt Capital Markets Deal of the Year: GE Capital Corporation Exchange Offer
6. Corporate Bonds: Kerry Group FS Inaugural 10 Year Eurobond
7. Private Placement: ICON plc Inaugural US Private Placement
8. RMBS: Dilosk RMBS No.1 Limited
9. Loans & Financing Deal of the Year: O'Flynn Construction Group
10. FDI Financing: Cignal Infrastructure Limited
11. Leveraged Finance: Activate Capital
12. International Financial Services: Merger of Citibank International Limited (CIL) and Citibank Europe plc (CEP)
Date published: 25 April 2016