John Palmer is a partner in A&L Goodbody’s Corporate department in Belfast. He is a projects lawyer with over 10 years’ experience in the Irish Energy sector advising on a range of renewable technologies including onshore wind, solar, hydro and bioenergy. His clients include a range of international developers as well as equity and debt funders.
John is a regular speaker at industry events and provides specialised in-house training to a number of financial institutions in the funding of renewable energy projects. John is qualified to practice in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Areas of Expertise
Energy, Infrastructure & Natural Resources /Renewable Energy
Experience Advising:
- ABO Energy on the site assembly, construction and onwards sale of the 50MW BESS at Kells, Co. Antrim the largest operating battery project in NI.
- An international developer on the ongoing development a power shift battery storage project (670MWh) in NI.
- AMP Capital on the disposal of a 50MW onshore wind portfolio for consideration of £87m.
- Local developer on the development of an energy storage and grid balancing park in Co. Antrim.
- Local developer on the ongoing development of a portfolio of 250MW portfolio of transmission connected BESS in NI.
- ERG Spa on the development of Evishagaran wind farm the largest subsidy free wind farm in NI.
- Investor on the acquisition of a portfolio of NIROC accredited single turbines including all regulatory matters relating to repowering.
- Foresight in the development and funding of the largest AD plant in NI.
- B9 Energy Storage on the BEIS grant funding and collaboration with Mutual Energy, Net Zero Center, and Islandmagee Energy for a proposed hydrogen “power to x” project at Ballylumford Co. Antrim.
- B9 Energy Storage on the hydrogen demonstrator project with NI Water.
- ABO Energy on the co-location of an electrolyser with onshore wind.
- An aerospace manufacturer on a private wire and onsite generation project.
- A large British car manufacture on its proposed decarbonization plan and integration of onsite generation into its UK production facilities.
- Developer in the largest energy storage and grid balancing project on the Island of Ireland.
Professional activities
John is a founder member and current Chair of Hydrogen NI. John is also a regular speaker at industry events and a member of several DESNZ energy working groups. John is qualified to practice in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

John Palmer
A&L Goodbody Northern Ireland LLP