Human rights

Slavery and human trafficking statement 

A&L Goodbody[1] is fundamentally committed to the identification, reporting and prevention of modern slavery in all aspects of our business. We have adopted a commitment to respect human rights. We are fully committed to running our business responsibly.

We are developing and implementing policies and systems to ensure that no slavery, human trafficking, child labour, or any other human rights infringement has any part in our business or supply chain. These policies and systems include:

requiring suppliers to commit to a code of conduct, which requires, among other things, making sure that no forced, compulsory, bonded, trafficked, or involuntary labour is employed, and that workers are free to leave their employment on reasonable notice and are not required to lodge identity papers or pay deposits as a condition of work.

assessing the areas of greatest risk in our current supply chain, and develop a risk-based approach to ongoing diligence.

carrying out training in human rights due diligence for staff involved in procurement.

Our protected disclosures (whistleblowing) policy provides a channel for employees to report in confidence any concerns about behaviour or practices.

We will address human rights infringements that come to our attention as a result of due diligence, protected disclosures or otherwise.

We employ nearly 900 people, mostly in Ireland and Northern Ireland. All our employment and recruitment policies and practices comply with local law and best practice.

This statement applies to A&L Goodbody and A&L Goodbody Northern Ireland. It is issued in compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

[1] In this [Policy], references to A&L Goodbody includes A&L Goodbody LLP, A&L Goodbody Belfast and A&L Goodbody London