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  • publication

    Irish Revenue Commissioners 2022 Annual Report

    The 2022 Annual Report of the Irish Revenue Commissioners (Revenue) was the 100th annual report issued by the Revenue, and comes shortly after the Revenue celebrated 100 years since its establishment on 21 February 1923,

  • Article

    All change or no change?  The Windsor Framework’s impact on State aid and subsidy control in Northern Ireland

    Whilst online shoppers and horticultural enthusiasts were welcoming the news of an agreement between the UK and EU on the Northern Ireland Protocol – competition lawyers and business leaders have been picking through finer details of the multitude of joint declarations that have since been released.

  • Article

    RINA case: European court’s ruling on state immunity and ship registration

    A&L Goodbody's Dr Vincent Power was recently invited to write for the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law on the important EU shipping law case of LG and others v. Rina SpA, Ente Registro Italiano Navale (Case C-641/18 before the Court of Justice of the European Union).

  • article

    Brexit update on trends and developments for Debt Capital Markets

    We have summarised below two Brexit related topics currently relevant in the Irish market and which we expect will continue to be an area of focus in the short-to-medium term.

  • Article

    Brexit: Caught unawares by the possible UK-Australia beef deal? Monitor other possible deals

    Many in the UK and elsewhere have been surprised by the possibility that a "no-quota/no-tariff" deal between the UK and Australia could mean huge imports of Australian beef into the UK.

  • audio

    Registration of Aircraft – FAQs and Impact of Brexit

    This audio provides information on the Registration of Aircraft in Ireland, with a particular focus on the most frequently asked questions received from our clients and the impact of Brexit.

    Aviation & Transport Finance
  • article

    The Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement finally enters into full force on 1 May 2021

    The Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) finally enters into full force on 1 May 2021

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    Happy Christmas in April? The Christmas Eve Brexit deal approved in April by European Parliament

    The Brexit-related Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the EU and the UK was announced on Christmas Eve 2020.

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    Brexit and M&A: Canadian case proves that the EU could still block UK M&A Deals despite Brexit

    A proposed Canadian M&A deal – which has just been abandoned because of EU opposition to the deal - gives a glimpse of possible future tensions between the EU and the UK over Brexit.

  • publication

    Q&A guide to the Brexit Trade & Cooperation Agreement

    The adoption in December 2020 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom was welcomed because it avoided a No Deal Brexit.

  • Article

    Five things you might not have known about Brexit’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement

    Despite being announced on 24 December 2020 and signed on 30 December 2020, the TCA is still not in full force.  For example, it is still only "provisional". The European Parliament and the European Council have yet to sign off on the document. It is expected that they will sign off by the end of April 2020. So, Brexit is not yet done!

  • Article

    Two weeks remain to register for the Irish Temporary Run-Off Regime

    UK insurers and intermediaries have until 31 March to notify the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) of the application to them of the temporary run-off regime provided for in Part 10 of the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Act 2020. 
