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    BREXIT: how (and where) commercial disputes would be litigated after a “no deal” Brexit

    The effects of Brexit on major commercial transactions and the resolution of commercial disputes will ultimately depend on the terms on which the UK leaves the European Union. An extreme "No Deal" Brexit, is likely to have significant repercussions in the way parties provide for the resolution of commercial disputes in several respects. Due to its procedural effectiveness and certainty, the Co...

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    BREXIT: Irish subsidiaries of UK firms warned of more dawn raids

    One of the unforeseen consequences of Brexit is that Irish businesses could be subject to more competition dawn raids by the European Commission as the option of conducting these unannounced inspections in the UK is blocked off by the UK leaving the European Union.  A&L Goodbody's Dr Vincent Power was interviewed about the issue in an article in to-day's The Irish Times...

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    BREXIT: pay-when-paid clauses in construction contracts

    Cash flow is the life blood of the construction industry, goes the mantra. Construction projects often have long supply chains. When cash stops flowing down the chain, businesses can fail. There is all too much recent evidence of this.   Someone in the chain (say, a main contractor) could seek to provide in a contract that it does not have to pay the party below (subcontractor) until it has...

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    Brexit and the World Trade Organisation

    The current absence of political resolution and the fast-approaching date for Brexit means that there is a heightened chance of a no-deal Brexit. If so, World Trade Organisation rules will govern trade with the UK so what does that mean for businesses in Ireland? Currently, the UK is part of the Single Market and the EU Customs Union.    If there is a no-deal Brexit, EU law will cease to apply...

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    Brexit and Public Procurement

    Companies tendering for public contracts in the UK and Ireland after 29 March 2019 (or such later date if extended) will need to be aware of the changes that Brexit will bring for public procurement. While the public procurement landscape in the UK will not change dramatically in the short term, there will be some changes in practice depending on whether there is a deal or no deal. No Deal...

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    Brexit: Health & Safety Update

    As the UK is expected to leave the EU on 29 March, a number of key areas of concern have emerged in respect of health and safety protections.   Stakeholders in the industry have identified serious consequences for the UK health and safety legal framework if there is a no-deal Brexit. One such area relates to the regulations governing Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of...

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    What is the Backstop?

    The backstop would be a legally binding agreement between the EU and the UK that neither a hard border nor checks will be reintroduced between Northern Ireland and Ireland after the UK leaves the EU (i.e., post-Brexit). Vincent Power explains the term "backstop" which is a central feature of the Brexit negotiations and processes. What is the Backstop? Concept The backstop would be a legally...

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    Brexit: is it still 50:50 on B-Day minus 50?

    Today marks 50 days before the UK is scheduled to leave the European Union (EU). The question now is not so much will the UK leave the EU but on what terms?

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    Ireland’s Gender Pay Gap Reporting Legislation – Temporary Pause for Brexit

    Over the course of 2018 Ireland took a number of steps towards introducing mandatory gender pay gap (GPG) reporting into Irish law. there are currently two separate bills on GPG reporting working their way through legislative process: the Government's Gender Pay Gap (Information) Bill and the separate Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Gender Pay Gap) Information Bill 2017.

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    Brexit Update: Asset Management & Investment Funds

    On 1 February 2019 ESMA confirmed the agreement of no-deal Brexit MoUs with the FCA. One MoU is between the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the United Kingdom (UK) covering the exchange of information in relation to credit rating agencies and trade repositories.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Irish Businesses Face Higher EU Dawn Raid Risk Post-Brexit

    European Commission regularly "dawn raids" businesses across the European Union (EU) to try to uncover evidence of anti-competitive deals, abuse of dominance and unlawful State aid. These dawn raids are surprise unannounced visits by a team of European Commission inspectors.

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    Brexit Update – EU Settlement Scheme

    If you are an EU citizen, and want to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021, you (and your family) can apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.
