It comes as no surprise that the Programme for Government agreed by Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and the Green Party (the Programme) features green elements across a variety of policy headings.
EU, Competition & ProcurementYou reap what you sow. What will be the consequences of countries across the EU pumping trillions of euro into businesses because of the Covid Crisis? What are the lessons which we should learn and apply?
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe European Commission (Commission) adopted a White Paper on 17 June 2020 dealing with the distortive effects caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market (White Paper). The White Paper is designed to assist the Commission in preparing for EU legislative proposals to deal with such effects.
EU, Competition & ProcurementOn 15 June 2020, almost four years after the UK voted to leave the EU, there was a video conference between the Presidents of the European Council, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Prime Minister of the UK.
BrexitOn 16 June 2020, the European Commission launched a consultation on a new EU strategy to improve and accelerate patients’ access to safe and affordable medicines and to support innovation in the EU pharmaceutical industry.
EU, Competition & ProcurementAs businesses across the EU are receiving State aid due to the COVID-19 crisis, it is worth recalling a decision made by the European Commission on 8 May 2020 dealing with a decision made in 2011 to approve State aid to credit unions in Ireland.
COVID-19Until now, it was possible, but not very likely, that the UK would seek an extension of the Brexit transition period beyond the current deadline of 31 December 2020.
BrexitThe UK left the EU on 31 January last. Since then, for example, the UK no longer has members of the European Parliament, ministers attending EU council meetings or the right to nominate judges or commissioners to the EU Court of Justice or the Commission respectively.
BrexitOn 2 June 2020, the European Commission (Commission) launched a public consultation on the need for a possible new EU competition tool through the use of remedies to address evolving structural competition issues in areas such as digital markets.
EU, Competition & ProcurementWith COVID-19 and its effect on the Irish (and wider global) economy, firms are experiencing significant economic challenges. As a result, stronger firms may become well-positioned to acquire ailing firms.
COVID-19In crises and emergencies such as COVID-19, storms, disasters and product shortages, there are often discussions about alleged "price gouging". The putting into effect of unjustifiable price increases during the COVID-19 pandemic is under active scrutiny by competition agencies in various jurisdictions
COVID-19The COVID-19 Crisis has had a very significant impact on competition/antitrust law. Already, it has influenced aspects of the practice of competition law in ways that no other crisis has ever done.