On 5 July 2019, Ireland's Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) announced that it had cleared the proposed acquisition of sole control of MCD Productions Unlimited Company (MCD) by LN-Gaiety Holdings Limited (LN-Gaiety). This is subject to a number of commitments that will satisfy concerns raised by the CCPC. The notification process was long. The notification was made on 14 Aug...
Corporate & M&AOn 14 June 2019, Ireland's competition agency announced the introduction, probably in 2020, of a simplified merger review procedure.
Corporate & M&AThis decision clarified that all employers must have a suitable system in place to ensure they are recording employees’ daily and weekly working hours. As Ireland’s working time legislation already requires employers to keep such records, this case may not have the same ramifications for employers here as it will have for employers in other European Union jurisdictions. That said, the practica...
EmploymentIrish Practice. EMIR Refit deadline, Central Register of Beneficial Ownership, Central Bank Speeches, FATCA and DAC2-CRS.
Asset Management & Investment FundsESG amendments to the UCITS Directive and AIFMD, Shareholders' Rights Directive, ESMA speeches and newsletter, Brexit and TPR, EU Legislative Proposals, Foreign Direct Investment screening, AML/ CFT.
Asset Management & Investment FundsWhen it comes to what the post-Brexit landscape will look like for employers with British employees on Irish soil (and vice versa), the question of immigration status remains high on the agenda.
BrexitESMA UCITS Q&A, ESMA AIFMD Q&A, ESMA MAR Q&A, ESAs on cyber resilience, EU Legislative Proposals, Distance Marketing Directive, Brexit, AML/ CTF/ Corruption
Asset Management & Investment FundsBrexit will increase costs for businesses and, ultimately, prices for consumers. The question is by how much. “Prices will go up for three reasons: import customs duties, the cost of compliance and the risk of delays,” says Carol Lynch, partner BDO Customs and International Trade Services. The general feeling is that, combined, they will increase the cost of doing business by an average of 10...
BrexitBusiness leaders have emerged as clear voices in contrast to the bickering in Westminster Demonstrators supporting a British departure from the European Union, in London in June, 2016. Photograph: Adam Ferguson/The New York Times The backdrop to Brexit is an era of declining global trust, with disillusioned and disenfranchised voters causing shock election results, as well as angry protests b...
BrexitThe European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2019 came into force on 22 March 2019, with the exception of Part 3. Part 3, which deals with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership, will come into force on 22 June 2019...
Asset Management & Investment FundsOn 2 April 2019, the European Commission adopted an interesting decision in regard to the UK's "Controlled Foreign Company" ("CFC") rules. The Commission decided that the rules were partly compatible and partially incompatible with EU State aid law. The case is interesting because it demonstrates that the EU State aid rules continue to apply in the UK notwithstanding its "intention" to leave the
BrexitESMA's preparations for a no-deal Brexit, PRIIPs KIDs, Reform of European System of Financial Supervision, SFTR , IOSCO, AML/ CTF/ Corruption
Asset Management & Investment Funds